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Lexi's pov
"Students, we have arrived in Montana!"
Mrs. Montgomery shouted from the front seat of the bus that took us to Montana.
With her call, she woke up everyone who had fallen asleep on the seats, including me.

It was snowing outside, colder than California. The view of the mountain took the breath away of anyone who looked at it. Everyone had split into groups. I was with the cheerleaders. We were all holding hands. At least if one slips we all fall.

The hotel where we will spend the next three days. It was huge.
The walls of the lobby were white and gray. It smelled like flowers.
"Since when can our school afford such a hotel"
I spoke softly to the other cheerleaders.

"Students come get your room keys"
Natalie and Liv agreed to share a room. Our room was on the 3rd floor.
Room 303. Our room had three single beds, a huge bathroom, and a view of the ski slope.

"I want to be by the window!"
"Liv we agreed that I should be by the window!"
The two started arguing like little children over who should be next to the window.
I most calmly laid down on the bed in the middle

As you may know when you are on a field trip with your school, your classmates always come to see if there is anything different in your room. Andrew and three boys from the volleyball team came to visit.
"You didn't see anything different in our room. Come on bye"
I don't know what else they will find in our room.

"Who said we came to see your room" Trent replied.
"So what are you doing here Trent?"
I noticed Andrew looking me up and down. His eyes slowly scanned my figure.

"Andrew wanted to see you"
"Okay, he saw me, now bye!"
I slammed the door in their faces and lay back on the bed. Natalie and Liv finally agreed that Natalie would be next to the window and Liv would be next to the wall.

After probably an hour, our teachers came to our rooms and told us to put on our ski equipment.

We gathered outside on the track.
"So kids, now you get on the lift two at a time"

I turned to Liv, but she had made out with Natalie.
Soon all those who were introduced to me, close friends, had found a partner.

I felt sick. Because you say you're my friends and I expect you to have my back and do anything for me. But you're obviously only thinking about yourself.
"Hey Lexi, wanna be my partner?"
Andrew appeared as my savior at this point. I agreed.

We got in line for the lift.
"Are you okay?"
Andrew noticed my sad expression. I quickly covered it up with a smile.
"Yes, I'm fine"

The lift took us up to the top of the track from where we had to descend. Every winter I go skiing with my parents and from there I learned to ski and I really like it. I couldn't wait to get down. Andrew on the other hand looked worried.
"Andrew take it easy it's not that scary. Just relax"

It was so much fun. I must have gone down five or six times. Andrew fell once, but learned quickly.


Later we went back to the rooms.
We each took a shower and went to bed to rest.
"It was fun" Liv spoke up.
"Guys I think Jaden likes Andrew"
Natalie spoke getting up from her bed.
"Why do you think so?"
Liv and I both turned to her.
"Well, he doesn't stop looking at it every day, I've heard that he only talks about it"

"Well maybe she likes him. I'm going to bed now"

I've also heard rumors that she likes him, but I'm not too sure about those rumors. But even if they are true, she has no chance with him. Andrew doesn't like her at all, and I don't think he ever will.

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