Few years later

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Lexi's pov
It's been a few years since I last wrote here. During those years, I had simply lost the desire to share my life in my diary, which no one would see or read. And every day was the same. From home to school and then back home. I rarely went out with friends and just became an introvert.

I graduated from high school and went into the field of marketing. I studied at the university for four years. Then I met my boyfriend Timothy.

Timothy brought the spark back into me and made me feel loved and wanted. We have been together for three years now and we live together.

I never shared in my diary that I have an older brother and his name is Brent. I didn't mention him because I rarely talked to him because he lived in another city.He recently returned to live in Huntington with his wife Pierson and his daughter Lilly.
Lily is very cute.
She has brown hair, dark eyes and the cutest smile.

Now me, Lily, Pierson and Brent are sitting at a cafe in the mall.
Lily can't stand still and often gets up and runs somewhere and I have to run after her.

"So Lex what's going on with Timothy's new job?"
asked Pierson. Timothy recently started working as a general manager at the best company in town.
"It's all right. There's a lot of work and sometimes he works late."
I answered. And at that moment, Lily again decided to run somewhere.
"Not again!"
I ran after Lily, who stopped next to a tall and stylishly dressed man.
The man had crouched down on one leg to be at the same height as Lily.
"I'm so sorry!"

I lifted Lily in my arms.
"it's ok"
the man stood up and when I had a better view of his face I was shocked.
"Omg Lexi! it's you!"
we both hugged each other. I haven't seen him since the night he told me he was moving. And wow he looks gorgeous.
His smile is still so beautiful and dazzling. His body is more muscular. His hair is shorter, but it made him very handsome.

"How have you been?"
he asked with a smile.
"Good, and you?"
"Well good"

I felt old feelings coming back. During these years, I rarely thought about him, but apparently I still have feelings for him that come back and I can't stop what I feel.
"If you want we can go out to dinner tonight?"
he asked. I agreed and we exchanged phone numbers.

I went back to Pierson and Brent.
"Lexi was that Andrew?"
Pierson asks me.

I told Pierson about Andrew and it turns out they both went to the same school. She told me that he was very quiet and secretive, he had female admirers, but he didn't pay much attention to them.

"Who is Andrew?"
Brent looked at us with a confused look, waiting for an explanation from Pierson.
"Andrew is my ex-boyfriend."
I replied to Brent.
"You had a boyfriend and you didn't tell me?!?"

"Brent you weren't in town then and you have no way of knowing about him."

Brent wasn't home for most of my teenage years, he only came on holidays, but sometimes he didn't. He and I recently became close, but before we didn't talk about personal topics because he is overprotective
if I used to talk to him about boys like with mom he would start finding ways to break us up.

I told Brent more about Andrew and he seemed to like him. Because I told him about the time I had a fight with my friends and the only person who understood how I was feeling and was there for me was Andrew.
"He sounds like a really good person."
Brent smiled.
I smiled slightly and took a sip of the lemonade I had ordered.


I was sitting on the couch at home watching TV. I was wrapped in my favorite blanket and drinking a baja blast freeze from taco bell. The time was 6:05pm.
I thought I was going to stay home and watch movies, but a message on the phone changed my plans for the night.
"Hi Lexi, its Andrew! Can you give me your address so I can come pick you up in an hour?"

Oh my God! I totally forgot I made plans with Andrew earlier in the day. I gave him my address and started getting ready.
I showered, did my makeup and my hair.

I decided to wear a strapless black dress and black heels.
As I was putting on my heels Timothy came home from work.
"Babe?" i heard him yelling from the other room. I left the bedroom and approached him.
"What do you think?"
he spun me around and gave me a good look.

"You look perfect! Where are you going?
He put his hands on my waist and kissed my shoulder.
"I'm going out with a friend"
"Which friend?"
Timothy continued to kiss my neck.
"You don't know him"
he stopped kissing me and looked at me.
"Who is he and what's his name?"

"His name is Andrew and don't worry we are just friends"
Timothy looked at me angrily and was about to say something, but the doorbell rang.
"I will open it!"
Timothy said and went to the door.
Timothy opened the door, but I couldn't see who it was because of my short height.
I heard Timothy say.
I walked past Timothy and in front of the door stood...

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