His secret

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Lexi's pov
Two days passed. I feel like my illness is getting worse every day. I'm literally so sick that I can't get out of bed. I haven't seen Andrew in two days. I think I need to see him. Just his warmth makes me feel good, I feel safe around him. I decided to text him to go out.

"Wanna hang out tonight" I texted him.
"Sure. Do you feel better?"
he answered almost immediately.

"No, but I need to get out of the house"
we continued to talk until it was time for me to get ready.
I put on something warmer. Our meeting was in the park, at our place. I was sick as hell on the way, I was losing my balance and I don't know how I made it to the park.


I saw him sitting on a bench looking around for me.
Andrew noticed that I was barely walking anymore and ran over to help me.
"Heyyy" the moment he hugged me I felt the nice smell of his perfume, I felt a feeling in my stomach that I have not felt before. We sat together on the bench.

"How are you feeling?"
I was laying my head on his shoulder and he was hugging me to keep me warm.
"Well a little better"
his presence made me feel good.
"Is there anything interesting at school?"
I asked.
"Hmm no, but I found out that your friend Natalie and my friend Jake are talking"
I looked up at him with my eyes wide open.

I never thought anything could happen between the two of them. Natalie is crazy and funny while Jake doesn't talk as much and is a bit cold to everyone.
"Quite unexpected"
I answered.
"Right! They literally have nothing in common"
"Yeah and-"

at that moment i got a notification on my phone. An unknown number had sent me some video of Andrew.
I decided to watch the video.
The convo in the video:
??:Andrew choose a girl on Instagram and text her.
A: Okay.
??:Which one did you choose?
A: This girl. Lexi Rivera.
??:For 100 dollars I challenge you if she answers you to make her fall in love with you if she doesn't answer you, you give me 100 dollars. Deal?
A: Deal.
End of video

I immediately stood up from him.
"Lex, wait!"
I started walking fast. Tears flowed from my eyes, and I felt sick. I didn't expect him to do this to me. The bad thing is that I really fell in love with him! And it just hurt me that all this time, he kept in touch with me because of some 100 dollars. Andrew caught up with me.
"Lex, please give me a chance to explain!"

"No! All this time, you've been mocking my feelings! There's no point in listening to you! I don't want to see you anymore!"
I started to walk, but I felt so sick that I just passed out.
"Lexi!" That was the last thing I heard before everything turned into darkness and silence.

Andrew's pov
When I saw Lexi fall to the ground, I shivered. She is sick, and now, because of me, she got worse. I ran to her. I fell on my knees in front of her and put her head on my lap.
Her face was pale, her hair disheveled, the light cold wind blowing in our faces. There was nothing else to do but pick her up in my arms and take her home.

I felt her weak and light as a feather. I regret taking this deal. I don't know why I took this deal. On principle, I would never do such a thing, but I just thought she wouldn't respond. And when she answered, there was no going back. And when we started talking, I realized that I had feelings for her.

When I arrived in front of her house I noticed that all the lights were off.
There was a spare key under the mat. With it, I unlocked the door, quietly climbed the stairs, passed her mother's room, and entered her room.
I laid her on the bed and covered her with the blanket.
I caressed her face one last time.

"Goodbye Lex." I kissed her forehead and quietly walked out the front door.
I had a good time with her, I can say that she was the only person who understood how I felt. People like her are rare now. All people are now traitors. At any time of the day, they can decide that you are not cool and that they have to tell your biggest secrets and lies. This happened to me too, and now I will get what I deserve.

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