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Lexi's pov
"You have a fever"
Those were my mom's first words the moment she walked into my room to wake me up for school.
"I'm going to call your missus that you won't be going to school today," she continued. But I didn't feel like staying at home.

Since Valentine's Day, Andrew has been coming to my school every day to see me, and I want to see him today.
"Mom no, I want to go to school"
she looked at me with surprised eyes.
"Okay. Call me if there's anything"
Mom kissed my forehead and left my room.


I arrived at school.
I felt a little dizzy, I was shivering because I was cold, but everything will be fine when I see Andrew. He gives me energy and right now I need it.

"Lexi are you okay?" Natalie asked me when she saw what I looked like.
"Yeah, you don't look good at all"
Liv added.
"I just have a fever. I'll be fine"
I said.

And just then I got a text from Andrew. In it he said that he would come at lunch break.
Ugh there's a long time until then.
When the bell rang we went into our first class.
Our first class is arts.
We don't do anything there because the teacher just tells us to be quiet. So it will be as if I don't have a class.
"Lex are you sure you are ok?" Liv asked me.
"Yeah" I replied.
"You guys should see this" Natalie was laughing at something she saw on her phone. She showed us a funny clip of a dog. Liv and I both laughed softly.

After a few boring hours it was time for lunch. I was sitting in the cafeteria with the girls, impatiently waiting for Andrew to send me the "I'm in front of the school" message.
"Lex at least eat something"
Aria told me seeing my full plate of food. The smell of the food made me sick.
After a few minutes of waiting, I finally got the desired message.
"Andrew is outside"

I got up from my seat and the girls followed me.
He was already waiting for me outside with his friends.
I went down the stairs and jumped into his arms.
We both said "Hey".
"You don't look very good. Are you okay?" Andrew noticed that my face was pale and that my whole body was trembling.
My head was resting on his chest and he was gently massaging my back.
"I just have a fever" my eyes started to close a little.

"Do you want me to take you home?"
we ask Andrew.
"Andrew please take her home I can't watch her suffer"
Liv answered for me.
"No need I'll be fine" i pulled away from the hug and tried to go back to the others but my balance was losing.

Luckily Andrew caught me.
"I'll take you home"
"Andrew where are you going?" one of his friends asked.
"Tell the teachers I haven't been feeling well and gone home"
Andrew picked me up in his arms and started walking home.

I was leaning on his shoulder and I could feel my eyes closing.
"We're almost there Lex"
It was surprising that he remembered the way home.
In a few minutes we were in front of my house.

Andrew put me down to unlock the door.
He then picked me up again in his arms and helped me to my room.
He laid me on my bed and covered me with the blanket.

He kissed my forehead and felt how warm it was.
"Do you have any pill to bring down the temperature"
He was gently stroking my hand with his thumb.
"Mmm I don't think we have" my whole body ached. I was cold.

"I'll go to the pharmacy" he got up from my bed and went to the pharmacy.
I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.
After what must have been an hour, Andrew woke me up.
In his hands he carried a pill and a glass of water.

I got up, took the pill and layed back.
"I think I should leave now"
I don't want him to leave. I feel better when he's here.
"No, stay"
I pulled him to lay next to me.

I snuggled into him. One of his hands is massaging my back. It's weird, we tell people we're just friends but at the same time we don't act like one.
Mom knows about Andrew so even if she sees us it won't be a problem.
And so in his warm embrace I fell into a deep sleep.

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