Beach day

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Lexi's pov
Today I am in Mexico!!! If you're wondering why I'm here, well Brent and Pierson decided that they will get married in Mexico.
That's why I'm here. They invited their relatives and closest friends. Timothy is also invited, but he will join a little later because he had to do something with his family.
They also invited Andrew. Yay..

The wedding is in five days, and we just got here. I don't know what will happen because if Andrew is around me often..I don't know if I will be able to stand without kissing him...

Lately when he's around I feel the need to kiss him. There is tension between the two of us and some people are starting to notice it and it's not good...

"Lexi we see how you look at him and how he looks at you! Admit to yourself that you have feelings for him!"
Me, Pierson, Natalie and Liv have gathered in my room in the villa where we will be staying for the rest of the week. And the villa is huge!

Liv, Natalie and Pierson have noticed the tension between me and Andrew and are currently trying to get me to admit that I have feelings for him.
I look down and think about how to lie to them to get out of the awkward questions, but I just can't lie to them when I really have feelings for him.

Yes, it's wrong. Yes, I have a boyfriend. But feelings cannot be controlled.
And Timothy has been acting strange lately. He is often not at home, we don't have sex, and I feel that something is up. And I just spend more time with Andrew and the feelings come naturally....
"Okay! Okay! I have feelings for him.."
I finally admitted the truth I had been denying since the moment I saw him again.
"I knew it!!!" Natalie screamed.
I leaned back on the bed and looked out the window. My room had a sea view.

I thought about the fact that if things work out with Andrew and we have a future together. That thought made me smile. I imagine him as my husband, we have a big house together and two kids running around.
"Are you thinking about him?"
the girls asked me, looking at the smile that suddenly appeared on my face.

Before I could answer the question, someone knocked and opened the door. I turned to see who it was and it was Andrew..
"Hey girls! Me and Brent are going to the beach. Do you want to come with us?"
Andrew asks. We all agreed and we started getting ready.

I decided to wear a black swimsuit, a black shirt, my sunglasses and a black bandana on my forehead.
When I was ready, I stood in front of the mirror to take a picture. Suddenly someone knocked on my door.
"Come in!" the door opened and Andrew entered. He was only wearing white pants and was carrying a pair of sunglasses in his hand.

"Hey Lexi. You ready for the beach?" he asked smiling.
"Yeahh! Are the others ready?" i asked looking him up and down.
"I think they're still getting ready"

I sat on the bed and Andrew sat next to me.
I looked away from him because if our eyes met I wouldn't be able to control myself.

I felt his hand gently touch mine. My body trembled as he touched me.
"Why are you looking away?" Andrew asked laughing.
I laughed a little and worked up the courage to turn and look at him.
"I don't know, I looked at the sea"

We both looked at each other and didn't say a word. Our fingers were now intertwined. I looked at his lips and was so close to grabbing and kissing him.
"Kiss me" these words came out of my mouth suddenly.
My head was no longer thinking about the consequences that would happen if we kissed, it was thinking only about his warm and tender lips touching mine.
He was just about to kiss me, but someone knocked on the door.

We quickly moved away from each other and the door opened.
"Hey guys we're ready to go to the beach"
Pierson said.
"Okay i just need to grab my bag and i'm coming." I said and Pierson closed the door. I got out of bed, grabbed my beach bag and headed for the door. Andrew followed me.
The beach is nearby so we all walked there.

Me and the girls sat on the sunbeds while the boys were already in the water. I smeared myself with sunscreen and lay down on my stomach.
"Lexi what was Andrew doing in your room when I came?" Pierson asked, drawing everyone's attention to me.
"Nothing. We were just talking while we waited for you guys to get ready."

It seemed that they didn't believe me, but I can't tell them that we were about to make out. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the warm sun.

For a moment I opened my eyes and saw that the other girls were sunbathing as well. I saw Brent walk over to Pierson, all wet. And at that moment I sensed where things were going.
I turned around and in that moment Andrew hugged me.

He was all wet.
"Noooo!!!" Me and Pierson yelled as the two of them and Natalie and Liv laughed.
"You idiot! Now I'm all wet!" I said to Andrew hitting his shoulder.
"Oh please you're not made of sugar."
Andrew said while still laughing.
I rolled my eyes and lay down on my stomach again. Andrew took a towel and lay down on the lounger next to mine.

I closed my eyes again and drifted off this time.
After probably 30 minutes I woke up, but not in my lounger..
I was on Andrew's lounger! He was lying next to me, one arm wrapped around me and gently rubbing my back, while the other intertwined his fingers with mine. I looked around and saw that the others were gone.

Andrew stood there looking me straight in the eye.
"Where are the others?" I asked him in a low voice, still trying to figure out what was going on.
"They went to get something to eat."
Andrew caressed my cheek with his finger and stared at my lips.
"Lex I know you have a boyfriend but I won't give you up until you're mine again."
he said leaving me speechless. I looked into his beautiful and dark eyes and didn't know what to say to him. Well, I had thoughts in my head about what to say to him, but the moment is not right.

Before the others returned, I moved back to my lounger.
Andrew made me think about what I want, I know what I want.
I only want him..

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