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Danielle's POV

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Danielle's POV

"Come on Corey, there she is." I impatiently tugged Corey's arm. He was being nothing but a punk. Wasn't nobody scared of Fantasia.

"No Dani I'm not getting in that. If she didn't tell us to go to her then I'm not going." I turned around narrowing my eyes at him. Fantasia was being all shy and to scared to approach Taraji to even ask the girl to be friends. Even though she was loaded I don't think she was one of those uptight prinks that disrespected anyone that was below them. At least I hope not. We had walked into the store and seen her in the fruit section and I thought this was a great opportunity to maybe ask her to come to the party that Jashua was having on Saturday.

"Fine you don't want to go then I'll go by myself." I turned around determined to go over to her until I noticed she was no longer a little ways away from us anymore. "Damnit." I walked around the corner seeing her walking away with her basket in her hand. I rushed up behind her before softly calling to her. When she noticed I was she turned, offering me a friendly smile.


"Uhm hi, I'm Danielle Brooks, I go to Woodrow high school-

"Oh yes, I knew you looked familiar. I've seen you around school before."

"Oh ok, I was wondering if you had any plans this weekend and you wanted to come to a party. I know you're new around here and maybe you could meet some new people."

"You dont know me though and you're inviting me to a party?"

"That's why I was inviting you, I wanted to get to know you or other can too." As soon as it came out I regretted saying it. I knew it sounded like I was tryna get at her.


"No I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I meant like, new friends?"

"Oh, I guess making new friends isn't too bad. Who is throwing the party? better yet who all finna be there?" I chuckled, she sounded like me.

"One of my friends that we go to school with, Jashua. Only a couple seniors and juniors are going to be there. Im not sure if freshman and sophomore are allowed." I watched her silently think about it.

"Here, I'll give you my number and I'll call you to let you know if I'm going or not." I nodded before turning to get Corey, I didn't have my phone since it was broken at the moment. When I walked back to where I came from seeing Corey looking at what watermelon to get."

"Does this one look ripe?" He held a watermelon up in my face.

"Yeah- hey I need your phone, Taraji needs to give me her number." I watched him quickly place the watermelon down before glaring at me.

"You actually went up to her?"

"Yeah, was that not understood when I told you or..."

"Here but if Tasia says anything about this, I'm snitching on you." I rolled my eyes before walking away. After she programmed her number in the phone she was just about to say her goodbyes before her best friend came out one of the aisles, basically screaming.

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