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Taraji's POV

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Taraji's POV

The next morning I woke, up the world wasn't in my favor. Or maybe just my best friend. Since she couldn't drink she chose to wake me up with the banging of pots.

"Ariana." I groaned shielding my eyes from the gleaming sun coming through the window. Why were my curtains open?

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake upppp!" I got up and snatched the pots out her hand, softly setting them on the bed. Looking down I noticed I was in nothing but a bra and panties.

"Did you undress me last night?" I asked, walking to the bathroom.

"No, you striped yourself when we got in." I nodded, grabbing two Advils. "My dad still here?"

"Yep, matter of fact, he's downstairs right now. He said to let you know he's waiting for you. Why? I have no idea." I rolled my eyes sitting down on the toilet. It was most likely something that was going to ruin my day. When I did my morning routine I walked downstairs to make my coffee.

"Morning dad." I grumbled.


"So, what's this about?" When I turned around with the coffee pot in my hand I noticed his girlfriend was now standing next to him. I knew it was about to be some shit.

"Me and Kiara wanted to tell you ourselves that we are engaged. We have been for the past 2 months and we want you at the wedding next month." I furrowed my eyes brows trying to understand thoroughly what he just said.

"So let me get this straight. You and mom have been divorced for four months, you got engaged two months later and now you're getting married a month after that?"


"And you want me to be there?"

"Precisely, now if you would look at the dress-

"Woah woah, wait, slow down there player. Who said I was going?" I almost chuckled at the shock on his face.

"Why wouldn't you? You're my daughter."

"And you're my dad but you sure don't act like it. Why would I want to go to your wedding with some Hispanic whore you met four months ago?"

"Ok now no need to get disrespectful." I shot my eyes at Kiara huffing.

"No Tim, she has one more time to call me out my name. She thinks I don't hear the under the breath snarky comments." She snapped.

"Or what?" I set my coffee down, standing up straight.

"Ok, calm down you two. Look, you're my daughter, I love you-

"Do you?"

"Of course I do, why would you say that!"

"Because you never say it! You want to act all nice now that you want something from me but yesterday you were calling me a spoiled brat that would be nothing without "daddy's money". I can make the best of myself without you!"

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