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Tamia's POV

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Tamia's POV

Two days later

This secret had been eating me alive. I wanted to tell her when I first saw but she seems to really like Kendall. How was I supposed to tell her he was cheating? And with Fantasia of all people? He was such a jackass playing with the both of them.

"Mia, are you listening to me?" I snapped out of my thoughts, looking over at Taraji. No I wasn't listening, I was too busy thinking about your cheating ass boyfriend. That's what I wanted to say, but instead, "Yeah, what's up?" came out.

"I was asking what should I get Kendall for his birthday?" I internally rolled my eyes. Maybe I kick to the nuts?

"Uhh, I don't know." I pulled into the parking lot of her apartment.

"You're no help, I'm going to ask Fantasia. I think I'm just going to tell her. I-

"No! You can't tell her." I burst leaving a confused expression on her face.

"Why not?"

"Because...because..." I sighed, I had to tell her. Plus what kind of sister would I be if I didn't? "Because he's cheating on you." She furrowed her eyebrows, turning the music down.


"I saw him kissing another girl the other day when I was leaving from school. I'm sorry boo." I could already see her sensitive ass getting teary eyed. If it was me I would have pulled up and beat his ass.

"No-w- no."

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"Who?" I winced, I mean she would find out sooner or later but I didn't know I wanted to be the one to tell her.


"Who was it Tamia?" She wiped her tears, I blank face taking over her features.


"What?!" She unbuckled the seat belt chuckling to herself. "Are you sure you were seeing clearly?"

"Yes, they were kissing. I could tell they were trying to hide so I'm pretty sure nobody knows about them either." She shook her head, running her tongue over her teeth.

"You wanna go have some fun?" I smirked.

"Hell yeah I do."

"Alright, be right back. Here take my phone and call Ariana, tell her we're coming to pick her up." I nodded doing as she told as she damn near ran up the stairs.

Taraji's POV

I couldn't believe this shit. I should have known it was too good to be true. How could I be so blind, how could I be so dumb? I wiped and dried all my tears before walking into the apartment. I knew if Fantasia seen them she wouldn't let up until I told her what happened and I didn't want to get into that with her until I handled business.

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