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Tamia's  POV

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Tamia's POV

I sighed pulling up outside the apartment. I didn't know why she was living in this dump but the environment made my skin crawl. I wasn't living in a big house myself but at least I was in a decent one bedroom apartment. This was just....ick. I continued up the stairs looking down at the address written down on the paper in my hand.

When I found the door I took a deep breath before knocking. I didn't know what her reaction was going to be when she sees me but I hope everything goes smooth as butter.

*knock knock

I waited and waited, hearing all the commotion from the other side of the door. Was that a baby?

When the door opened I was expecting to see my sister. Not Fantasia.

"Oh, hello, how did you get my address?" She adjusted the baby she was holding in her hands.

"I was coming to see my sister but...maybe I got the wrong-

"Nope, she's here." She paused narrowing her eyes at me.

"Look, I know we had a rough start but me and her talked. I apologized and she somewhat forgave me but I want to go out with her today and get to know her more. If you know me that seems like a hard task so I'm trying." The long pause after my convincing rant was a little awkward but made me anxious.

"Mama!!" She walked from the door which I took as an invitation in.

"Yes?!" I slowly walked in, closing the door behind me. The house seemed...cozy. It was a lot of different items by the door that made me question how many people lived here. Men shoes? A pair of heels? A pair of tennis shoes? Not to mention the slew of coats.

"Someone is here for you." She announced before walking into the kitchen, setting the baby down in a high chair. "Hungry?" It took me a minute to register she was asking me.

"M-oh no, no I'm good. I actually had my breakfast before getting here." She nodded.

"Who is...it?"


"What's up?" She walked right past me to the kitchen. She grabbed the baby right out the high chair which made me gather that she's been here for a while. Was this permanent?

"I was coming by to ask if you wanted to hang out today. Get to know each other a little."


"I don't know Taraji maybe it's because we just found out we were sisters about three months ago. 17 years missed I think that now would be the time to maybe get into each others good graces." Why was she such a complicated person?

"Okay, let me finish my breakfast and get dressed."

"In the meantime...?"

"You can sit here or you can sit in the living room." I took my bag off getting ready to sit down at the island. When I got comfy I watched the two interact.

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