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None of this is edited..😃. I apologize.

Enjoy 🤗

Taraji's POV

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Taraji's POV

The next morning I woke up to the sunlight beaming through the curtains into Fantasias room. I didn't register what had happened until I felt the ache between my legs. She told me she hadn't wanted to use the strap on me because I was a virgin but if I would give myself to anyone it would be her. I looked over at her nightstand looking at the time, 2 hours late for school. I know Ariana had been blowing my phone up asking if I was okay or where I was at. I looked over at the sun casted on Fantasia face. She was so beautiful.

I had been hiding my feelings for her but I should have known I felt something deeper for her. Especially when I felt a tinge of jealousy and posessesivmess when her and Kendall started hanging out so much. I tried to cover it up with my realithsip with Kendall but with see how that went so at this point it's fuck it. I slowly moved my numb arm from under her body before rubbing my hand softly on her face. Would she mind if I woke her up with my face between her legs? I was very tempted. She could care of me all night long, I wanted to return the favor. I slowly moved under the covers moving myself in between her legs.

She was sleeping naked along with me so I didn't have to worry about taking anything off. I spread her legs as far as I could until she started to stir. When I got them far enough I went to town. It didn't take her long to start moving around but after last night she was in a deep sleep. I moved my tongue from her clit all the way down to her hole stuffing it in as far as I could. I made sure to pick up some tips from her. When I moved my tongue back and forth at a fast pace I felt her whimper then her hand on my head.

"Mmm...mama." She whispered pulling the cover up and off of her, revealing me. I didn't let it distract me and kept going with my pleasurable torture. "Mama, let me..uhh gawdd. Let me get up first." She tried to move but I gripped her thighs, holding her in place.

"Like you said last night...stop moving!" She didn't like being the one having to take it. "And you betta not cum." She I felt her hands clench in my hair I knew she was trying her best not to. I wanted to give her maybe 20 more seconds of torture before allowing her to let go.

"Baby please...I'm about to cum. I can't hold it." She begged. I couldn't say no to that voice.

"Cum." She did just that on my command letting her juices out and in my mouth. I slurped them all up holding them in my mouth. I moved up and gripped her chin squeezing her face until she opened her mouth. When she did I let the gathered juices transfer into her mouth before pulling her into a sloppy kiss, the juices flowing between both our mouth. I pulled away, holding her throat. "Swallow it." She made of show of swallow the contents in her mouth, opening it and sticking her tongue out just to show me she did.

I couldn't help my self and sucked in her tongue sitting outside her mouth before kissing her once more and pulling away. "You're so nasty." She spoke up as I moved of her to get ready for the day. I'm sure we weren't going to school anymore but I didn't want to sit in the house all day.

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