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Fantasias POV

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Fantasias POV


"No! Do not mama me!! You went behind my back and...you had no right doing that!" I wiped my hand over my face, at the route we were going we would be having this argument all day. The secret was eating at me so I decided to just out and tell her. She started off with a bit of confusion then out of nowhere she burst.

"I was trying to help, your mom wanted me to pass me-

"I don't give a damn what she passed, what she said, what she wants, I DON'T give a damn about her point blank period. You were supposed to be on my side so why are you confiding with the enemy." I chuckled.

"First off I'm not on anybody's side and I don't consider them enemies. I look at it as a disfuctional family that can work though their problems, baby. That's all. It was meant to do more good than harm, I swear." I stood from the bed, reaching to hold her two hands in mines.

"Don't touch me. I'm going out, don't wait up, I'm not sure when I will be back." She grabbed her car keys and purse before storming out. I took a deep breath before flopping back on the bed, she was going to need some air to breathe.

Taraji's POV

I knew Fantasia didn't mean any harm and I also knew what she did was what I should have done a long time ago but thinking about the whole situation infuriated me. Where did she get off trying to fix MY family?! Like she was some kinda doctor Phil, like her family was all peaches and cream. Right now the best thing for me is to go out somewhere far away from her. I called up Tamia and she was just finishing her hair so I decided to have her do mines as well.

"And did she get anywhere?" Tamia asked as she made another box for my box braids.

"Hell no, you been with them devils of a parents more than me so I'm sure you knew that already." I answered moving my neck around, I'm pretty sure she was more than half way done but I was ready to get up out this chair.

"Well Taraji, maybe it was for the best. You know me and Fantasia aren't too fond of each other but I'm not going to sit here, lie, and say she is the kind of person that would want to do any mental, physical or emotional pain to you. Anyone for that matter. She seems like a sweet girl." I kept quiet because I knew she was right.

"She didn't seem sweet the way she had me bent up a couple days ago." I felt the grip of my scalp tighten. "Ouch!"

"You two had sex?! Why didn't you tell me this?!" She popped me with the comb.

"Ouch!- stop it! Nobody knows yet. I haven't even told Ariana yet." I would have told her the night it happened if she wasn't so busy at the arcade with Melvin's black ass.

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