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Taraji's POV

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Taraji's POV

Getting to the party I found a spot a little ways down the street from the party. There wasn't many people there yet so I was sure we were a little early and I refused to go into a party with 20 people inside. "You wanna roll up real quick while we wait for more people to come?" I didn't even know why I asked her because I knew that she probably already had one ready. She did in fact have one already rolled and ready to light. We sat in the car for about 25 more minutes until there was almost nothing left but a roach.

"Look there they go." Ari pointed out. I looked to where she was pointed to see Fantasia, Corey, and Danielle all getting out of a jeep parked across the street from us. I didn't have a thing for girls and neither did I ever fantasize about being with one but I gotta admit Fantasia had my full attention. All that she was toting in a tight mini jean skirt, the thong straps peeking out sitting on her hips giving me something to dream about and those legs, those damn legs.

I watched her the whole way she walked into the house. "Okay, come on girl let's go. I'm saving the other blunt for later." I nodded getting out and locking my car. I guess I would find Danielle and them and stick with them for the night because I knew that Ari would ditch me to go with Melvin's ass and I was not about to be a third wheel. They would probably end up sneaking off upstairs anyway.

We walked into the house already bombarded by the people that were by the door, the strong and heavy smell of liquor, weed, and mixtures of cologne and perfume. I wasn't about to stay here for long, the headache was already brewing. We walked a little ways forward and as soon as Ari seen Melvin she said bye before running off to be by his side, leaving me alone. I walked to one of the coolers to find a wine cooler or maybe a beer, I wasn't up for drinking heavy tonight. I wasn't a drinker anyway, it gave too many bad memories.

"Taraji, hey girl!!" I turned around at the call of my name coming face to face with Fantasia, Corey, and of course Danielle. "Happy you could come girl you look sexy." I could hear her talking but see Fantasia in my peripherals vision, trailing her eyes from the cleavage of my gold holter top past my black skirt to my sparkly heels.

"Thank you."

"Where is Ari?" She asked, looking around me.

"She ran off to go be with Melvin somewhere around here." She nodded before turning around.

"This is Corey." He respectfully held his hand out for a gretting.

"Nice to meet you." He said politely.

"Same here." I replied.

"And this- you may know her is Fantasia." I could slighty here a change in her range of voice.

"Yes, you're in my 7th period correct?"

"Yes." She said it softly or maybe that was just her voice.

"Me and Corey are going to get the drinks, what is everyone drinking?" I decided on a beer because I'm sure they didnt have any wine coolers in here. Fantasia on the other hand decided not to drink. When they left which I'm sure was set up, me and Fnatasia sat quietly and awkawrdly before she decided to speak up.

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