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Friday 3:50

Taraji walked into the diner the next day, looking around for her mom. When she spotted her she sighed and prayed to god this talk would go by quick and smoothly.

"Hey mama." Bernice looked up quickly hearing her daughter's voice.

"Hi baby, how have you been?" She asked as she pulled Taraji into a hug.

"Good." Taraji sat down, setting her purse next to her. "You?"

"Well....that's what I wanted to have this talk with you about. I-

"I already know about you and dad. He came over to the house making my life a living hell for a week. Him and his new skank of a fiancé."

"Fiancé?! They're engaged already?"

"Yes, I was shocked too. When I refused to come to the wedding he canceled all my credit cards and kicked me out the house."


"I've been staying with a friend and looking for jobs. You know I could never keep one."

"Ok, it's one thing for him to do it to me but to his own daughter..."

"He did this to you too?"

"....Yes, after the divorce he kicked me out our house, forbid I go in any of the other ones. I can't get in our joint account and the secret- well the one I thought was secret bank account he found out about, I can't get into that. Any of our organizations I can't get in- I don't know how the hell he did any of this but he kicked me out on my ass with two suitcases and a duffle bag of my clothes."

"Where have you been staying mama?" Taraji sat up, now worried about her mom's well being.

"In some nearby hotel, with the last bit of change I have left. That's like 400 dollars. I wanted to tell you the last time but I figured you would be mad. I should be at

"No, it's not your fault. I don't know what's wrong with him but I know it has something to do with that slut he's got on his arm. I know she's just with him for his money."

"I know...now what I really brought you here for." Taraji furrowed her eyebrows. She thought this was what she brought her here for.

"What do you mean?"


Taraji's POV

"What else do you have to tell me?" I asked crossing my hands on the table as the waiter came with our drinks. I guess she had already ordered for me. A lemonade.

"Alright, what can I get you ladies to eat?" My mom held her hand up ima dismissing manner.

"I'm not sure if we will be here long enough to eat so you can go and help another table." The waiter nodded walking away. Now I was really curious as to what this news was.

"So...me and your father- after the separation have decided to finally tell you..."

"Tell me what?"

"Mama, that bathroom is absolutely horrible. When is this- oh...hello." My eyes bucked looking at the reflection of myself.

"Mama?!" I looked up at my mom seeing the tears welding up in her eyes. "Mama-what...what the hell?" I was lost for words.

"I'm Tamia, nice to meet you." She held her hand out just for me to glare at it. "Al...right- well uhm if you haven't concluding yet, I'm your twin sister. I'm sure you have enough sense to know that. It's about damn time we meet each other. I've been hearing about you for years but mama always said that it was best not to meet."

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