Chapter 17: Dates and Decorations.

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After the whole debacle with the mechs and White Fang, things weren't exactly back to normal. Blake's behavior, while still typical of her, was more irradiated and more passive-aggressive, due to her not sleeping at night. At first, it wasn't exactly noticeable, but that all changed when the annual Beacon was just a day away.

"Beacon dance this! Beacon dance that! Argh!!! Why is everyone so set on the stupid dance!"

"It's because everyone is looking forward to having a good time and some fun before the school year REALLY gets tough again." Aoihi replied to Blake as he heard the complaints.

As they had just stepped out of the sparring lesson room when Cinder came running out.

"Oh! Aoihi!" She said with a suggestive voice. "Would you like to..."

"No." Aoihi stated flatly as he only continued to walk with his team. Ruby, Yang and Weiss laughed at this.

"Hahaha! Classic Aoihi!" Ruby chortled. "Being all blunt and straightforward, even when it's coming to rejecting someone."

"Yeah!" Yang added with a snigger. "You really are one tough nut to crack in a romantic sense."

Weiss giggled too, but was a little worried herself. She was actually going to plan on asking Aoihi to be her date.

"You... Wouldn't reject EVERY girl right?"

Aoihi just gave a shrug.

"Personally, I'm not usually at these events, especially when I was recognized as a student here at age 13, due to idiots only wanting to hook up with me due to my status as Ozpin's ward for if they get in trouble and I'm their 'lover' they KNOW that they can use my influence on Ozpin to give them just a simple warning. Although admittedly, I also have an age preference too, that being someone no more than one year older or younger than me. So, I suppose it depends on the person really, Weiss."

This point from Aoihi, Weiss can only empathize with.

"Well, I suppose I can't blame you on that point, Aoihi. Especially considering most men in my life only wanted me for my looks or the perks of having my last name." She then sighed. "Unfortunately, a great deal of them were players like Neptune. Henceforth a big reason on my distaste for him. The other main reason is because of how he is still stupid enough to think of you as lesser all because of your Autism, Aoihi. I mean SERIOUSLY! What is he? Stupid?"

"Probably." Aoihi remarked. "DEFINITELY NOT neurodivergent if you ask me. Just true idiocy."

Then bang on cue, Neptune appeared out of nowhere to hit on Weiss again.

"Oh! Hey, Weiss! I was thinking! Why don't we ditch our teammates, head somewhere nice to get to know each other better and then basically get our chemistry flowing in a good way so we can be the BEST dates in the Beacon Dance?"

Weiss rolled her eyes in annoyance as she slapped Neptune hard against the cheek.

"I am NOT dating you!" She spoke with a scowl as she walked away from the idiot.

"Give it up already, Neptune." Jaune Arc soon spoke as he and team JNPR were walking the same direction as team RWBYA. "You got no chance with Weiss!"

Neptune huffed, before deciding looking at Pyrrha with a look that made her quite uncomfortable.

"Hmm... you're quite the beautiful girl." He said with a grin. "How about you and I go instead?"

Jaune scowled and got between Neptune and Pyrrha.

"Leave HER alone!" He said darkly. "I don't know WHAT'S going through your mind, Neptune, but even I am smart enough to know that Women are people too, and shouldn't be treated as objects! Pyrrha is more than just a pretty face on my team! She's a very amazing and incredible fighter! Not to mention intelligent and kind! If you DON'T back off now, I'll MAKE you do so!"

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