Chapter 25: A Rose's Thorns.

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Since the breach of Vale's old subway tunnels, the girls of Team RWBYA have been doing some serious last-minute training, before the Vytal festival starts in the coming week. While he was unable to participate with his team, Aoihi still trained with his teammates. As they fought, Ruby found that Aoihi was able to fight proficiently against her and her scythe. He didn't even study her at all, and he managed to block and deflect her attacks. Then to her shock, Aoihi found an opening to knock Crescent Rose out of her hands and pin her into the ground.

"Less flashiness and more wariness, Ruby." He soon started bluntly as she and the other three looked at him with awe.

"How did you learn to fight against a scythe?!" The girl in red then exclaimed as Aoihi could only smile.

"Qrow Branwen taught me." He stated in reply. "He was teaching everything on his own sword style anyway, so I thought it would be good to learn how to fight against a Scythe with my sword in case I run into any scythe-wielding enemies."

Both Yang and Ruby smiled at this.

"Okay!" Yang soon declared. "THAT is COOL! Especially when Uncle Qrow was the one to teach you."

"Yang's right!" Ruby said as she got up. "That IS awesome that Uncle Qrow taught you that, Aoihi!"

"Not to mention very forward thinking." Blake remarked while Weiss smiled with pride.

"Hmm! As per usual for my boyfriend." She can only smile more as she then kissed him. "Hmm. I'm so lucky to have you, Aoihi." She whispered softly into his ear as he smiled and nuzzled her gently.

"I'm also lucky to have you, Weiss." Aoihi replied as he nuzzled back.

Yang stretched out her limbs.

"Ah! That was some seriously good training. Anyone hungry? Cause I am and I am willing to pay!"

"I am!" Ruby replied excitedly. "Let's go to that ONE place we went to last time! The one with GOOD cookies!"

"I want my fish sandwich!" Blake declared with enthusiasm.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a burger." Weiss stated bluntly as Aoihi just nodded.

"To Emperor Burger!" Ruby declared to her team as they all set off to the fast food place.

At the local fast food joint of Emperor Burger, (which is a parody of Burger King) team RWBYA entered through the doors and walked to the counter straight away since there was no line.

"Hello! Welcome to Emperor Burger where you can have any Colossus burger your way."

"Okay, no offense but that's kind of a lie." Aoihi stated bluntly.

The cashier took no notice or offense to Aoihi's response for he didn't really care behind his fake smile.

"Okay. I will have the Far-Fetched Colossus veggie burger. Medium meal." Weiss said starting the order.

"Double Colossus burger with cheese, mayo, ketchup, no mustard. Medium meal." Aoihi then said for his order.

"Atomic hot and spicy chicken sandwich." Yang spoke next. "Medium meal, and give me those spicy chicken fries too while at it!"

"Ten-piece chicken nuggets please." Ruby then ordered. "Medium drink and three cookies too."

However, Blake's order was the most ridiculous and expensive out of all of them as she slammed her hands against the counter.


All of the other 4 teens looked at the cat Faunus with bewilderment and concern as the Cashier only held his fake smile more and nodded.

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