The description of the next song read as such: " Yeah, that was only half the song. All your intros have full extended versions. That's up next. As for the meaning of "This Will Be The Day", it's more a "general themes" and "setting things up" sort of thing. You can skip ahead to the new stuff, or you can listen to the whole thing again, whichever works best for you.' "
At that, a "skip ahead" bumper was added to the start. "...I think we looked over the lyrics for the first part, right?" Ruby asked. When everyone nodded she added, "yeah and this part is JUST lyrics so it...should be easier? Maybe?"
Shrugging, Ruby pressed the start button, skipping ahead to the new lyrics.
[Your world needs a great defender]
"Well, that's why we're here, right?" Ruby started.
"To make things better." Blake finished, making Ruby beam
[Your world's in the way of harm]
"Yeah, some big criminal conspiracy, we know." Ruby declared.
"Freakin' bring it." Yang added.
"You'll just LOSE HARD!" Nora contributed.
"And we'll be ready for you, now." Pyrrha concluded. None of them were paying much attention to Ozpin, who hoped dearly that they wouldn't find out how much harm their world was in.
[You want a romantic life]
"I...suppose I did, once." Blake admitted. "It didn't exactly end well. It's not as easy as that."
"But it's not completely impossible, either." Ruby added.
"...yeah, guess not." Blake replied.
[A fairy tale that's full of charm]
"This is what we talked about when we first met, isn't it, Ruby?" Blake pointed out.
"Huh. Kinda is". Ruby responded. "Weird coincidence".
"Well, it might not actually be and- you know what, no, I'm not going to think about that." Weiss declared.
[Beware that the light is fading]
"Sadly, it can often seem that way." Ozpin said. "Just don't lose sight of the opposite."
Everyone nodded. "Don't know what you're talking about, but okay!" Nora declared.
[Beware as the dark returns]
"It's easy to think that the battle's over, that you won." Blake pontificated. "Vale won the Great War and the King of Vale seems like he was well-intentioned, but the problems didn't all go away". She missed Ozpin ruminating on that.
"As well as the Faunus Rights Revolution." Weiss brought up, "We were taught in schools that it worked and fixed all that, but...the White Fang wouldn't be a thing if it did, would it?"
"" Blake replied. "No it would not."
[This world's unforgiving]
"I mean, you live outside the cities, yeah, definitely." Yang declared. Nora...actually frowned at that a little, but Ren put his hand on her shoulder.
"Even within the cities it's hardly a guarantee." Ozpin pointed out, "as I believe the Breach proved. Still, as Ms. Rose said, that's why you're here."
[Even brilliant lights will cease to burn]
RWBY Listens to The Soundtrack
RandomHow much of the future-and indeed the present-can RWBY, JNPR, and Ozpin & Glynda gleam from a soundtrack? Some context will be provided, but only a bit. _____ This is a Repost of the Original from Spacebattles. Original Author said some "choice word...