Vol. 2, Boop

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     "'So. Boop.'" The note began. "'This is a fun one, to be sure. In case you haven't hung around them long enough to hear it, this is from Nora Valkyrie to Lie Ren.'" Huh, oh yeah, right. Wait, did that mean- "'Anyways, as I said last time something like this came up, have fun, kids! (Also Oz & Glynda)'"

Ozpin lightly chucking at that last part was cut off by Nora beginning to ramble: "HEY SO MAYBE WE COULD SKIP THIS ONE SOUNDS GREAT RIGHT, SO ANYWAYS-"

"No, Nora." Pyrrha firmly stated.


"Yeah, after last time it doesn't really feel fair." Ruby agreed. "Also I can't, so..."


"Wait, what is happening?" Ren asked. That was...genuine confusion, huh?

"Do you...not know?" Jaune asked, somewhat deliberately calling back to earlier.

"It's...something Nora says sometimes." Ren continued. "I don't see why she's acting like this."

"Yeah it's nothing.'" Nora agreed. "So let's just move on and-"

"Nora." Weiss chastised. "After all the glee you took last time..."

"Plus, we kinda need to get to the other songs." Yang pointed out.

"..." Nora was uncharacteristically silent for a bit.

"Nora...we all knew this was a risk". Blake pointed out. Silently of course she was hoping THAT topic wouldn't come up any time soon, but if she was a "main character..."

"...Alright, fine." Nora accepted. "Fair's fair, right?" She looked at Jaune & Pyrrha as she said that.

"Ms. Valkyrie, if you..." Glynda began. She still wasn't comfortable hearing all this personal stuff she knew they'd have liked to keep hidden.

"No, no, it's fine. Let's just get it over with." Nora muttered.

"...Very well then." Ozpin finished. "Ms. Rose?" With a nod, Ruby hit play.

[Never knew a time when
You weren't by my side]

"Well I mean, yeah, that's kinda true." Nora began nervously. "It's what I like to remember, anyways..."

Ren just decided to focus on the lyrics. Whatever this was, it was important.

[The one thing I could
Always count on]

"An-and yeah, you were!" Nora confirmed. "And now we have Jaune, & Pyrrha, and..."

"We get the point, Nora, thanks." Yang confirmed.

[Always there for me
You've been my family]

"You...haven't exactly hidden these feelings, Nora." Ren pointed out. "I...don't understand why you reacted like that."

"Huh, guess when it's other people you can see it but when it's yourself..." Ruby muttered as the others just looked exasperated.

[Even when all
Other hope was gone]

"Yeah that's...that's kind of a long story." Nora conformed. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Nor do I." Ren confirmed. Well, he knew she was talking about BEFORE that, but...

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