Vol. 4, Let's Just Live

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"'So, this song also has kind of a double meaning.'" The note unexpectedly read. "'It's the...well, what's the acronym for "Move Onward Not There Yet"? That's...yeah. If you haven't already figured it out...'"

It took a minute to piece that together, but now that they knew to look for it...

"...Monty." Weiss declared. "It's an acronym for Monty. That's why it..."

"Oh, that's nice." Ruby weakly smiled. "Alright, let's get it started."

[Song Start]

[Can we get back to a happy place?
We've suffered so much
Pain & sorrow]

"Yeah, that would be nice, wouldn't it?" Yang snarked. "But it's...not always that easy."

"The first part of the song was pre-tty clear about that." Nora agreed.

"Yeah, but the conclusion...actually we're not there yet technically, nevermind." Ruby declared.

"We just need to give it a bit." Jaune agreed, finally learning a thing or two about songs.

[After yesterday
Is there any way
We can trust tomorrow?]

"It's...hard, when everything you thought you knew..." Blake trailed off.

"...Very." Weiss agreed.

"Well...I guess we just gotta...try." Ruby replied. Had she said that before?

"Yeah..." Yang trailed off. Her arm still felt kinda weird. What was UP with that?

[Will we go through life
Filled with strife like it's
Torn and tattered
(Torn and tattered)]

"Oh hey Jeff, nice to see you again." Nora calmly stated.

"It has been a bit." Ren agreed.

"Okay, we get the point..." Jaune muttered.

"The repetition DOES help emphasize the point, I suppose." Pyrrha offered.

[Can we keep this up
When we all know that
Every hope has shattered?]

"I...I mean, it looked like we were." Ruby pointed out. "Well, some of us."

"Yeah, I just..." Yang began. "I just...I get why, but..."

"For the last time, there's nothing wrong with needing some time off after something like that." Weiss admonished.

"Besides, it's...more on me for-" Blake began.

"Nope!" Ruby ordered. "None of US have done this stuff."

"But we WOULD have". Yang countered. "I mean, I know that's what this is FOR, but..."

"No one is perfect, children." Glynda stated. "Don't hold yourselves up to impossible standards. That won't end well regardless."

"It can be difficult, but it isn't impossible." Ozpin agreed, though he seemed a bit distracted. "And o do believe that every one of you CAN overcome these things."

[And the lesson isn't new
That some dreams
Just can't come true]

"I...yes, I suppose." Pyrrha granted.

"...Does anyone else feel like we just don't have much to say right here?" Nora asked.

"...not really?" Jaune replied.

"Well, these ARE themes we already discussed in-" Ren was cut

[When it finally falls
And the battle's through]

"...yes, that one." Ren finished.

"'I May Fall...'" Ruby quietly sang. "'But not like this.'"

"But what if that's..." Weiss couldn't help but worry.

"'The battle's through.'" Blake quoted.

"Well, I mean-" Jaune was cut off.

[When our faith is gone
And there's nothing left to lose]

"Well, what ARE we gonna do?" Nora asked. "I mean, we went over this, but that was before...all this stuff with Salem and the..." she looked to Pyrrha. "...y'know."

"...Good question." Blake muttered.

"It's one thing to say all of that, it's...another to do it." Weiss stated.

"...I don't want to trivialize what they & us have through, but there ARE more Volumes to the show." Ozpin added. Yes, viewing their lives through the lens of a show wasn't...great, but what choice did he have?

"But it's not over, we don't..." Yang was frustrated. "Argh, what am I even saying?" Not just at the situation, but at herself.

"...I think my answer's still the same." Ruby admitted. "I think..."

"...I'm starting to see Nora's point." Jaune reluctantly admitted. "Didn't we talk about this?"

"Yes, but it's being brought back to the surface." Ren defended. "I think it's only natural that we're a little..."

"...Repetitive?" Pyrrha offered.

"And hesitant." Glynda added.

"...Yeah, but remember the point." Ruby told them. And indeed...

[Let's Just Live
Day by day and not
Be conquered by our sorrows]

Ruby started singing along. And yeah, that...was the point, wasn't it? So why the hell not?

[The past can't hold us down
We must break free]

As was tradition at this point, a grand tradition established all the way back a whole day ago (technically half a day), the others joined in.

[Inside we're torn apart
But time will mend our hearts]

Perhaps it wouldn't be that simple, but they'd made their vows. They'd gotten the point. Well, they sure hoped so. Well, give it time.

[Move Onward Not There Yet
So Let's Just Live]

This time cognizant of the acronym, Ruby gave a small smile. It WAS rather nice, she believed. The others

[When it feels like there's nothing
Worth living for]

"Oh goddamn it, we just started feeling better!" Nora complained.

"Well, I guess we DO need a-Weiss, what's this part called?" Jaune asked.

"The bridge." Weiss answered.

[Everything is broken
The light's not there anymore]

"You'd be surprised where the light still burns, if you know where to look." Ozpin assured the others.

"I think we ARE repeating ourselves, huh?" Blake wrist pointed out.

"Well, better get used to it, then." Yang smiled at her partner. Okay, yeah, she could...okay. ...Maybe.

[And the story
Takes an unexpected turn
A friend is suddenly gone]

"...yes, it's not something you can usually prepare for." Glynda agreed. "Though..."

"...I don't think it's just about us." Ren noticed it as well. "It's..."

"It's about Monty." Ruby finished. "I mean, it's like Cold, it can be also be about Pyrrha, but..."

[We can cry our lives away
But if they were here they'd say]

"Yeah, see, gender neutral pronouns." Ruby noted. "It can be both...Pyrrha and Monty. Or, we'll, I guess we know Monty, but..."

"I..don't believe those ones fit me, no." Pyrrha replied, catching on to Ruby's thought process.

"Do you know what does?" Weiss asked out of curiosity. She wasn't exactly an expert, thanks Atlas.

"Well, I...think I'm pansexual." Pyrrha admitted.

"Neat!" Nora cheerfully replied.

"Hm." Yang grunted ambiguously. Her dad might be, assuming THAT theory paid off.

"Yeah but, what's...what are they going to...?" Jaune began, looking intently.

["Go forward you must
Keep Moving On"]

"I...suppose I would, yes." Pyrrha confirmed. "And I suppose so would Monty."

Ruby's scroll buzzed. "'Yeah, he said something along those lines once, I think. And, hey, these are the people who knew him, so...'"

"...Yeah. Okay." Jaune muttered. "I think...yeah, I think I-he-whatever-can do that. Eventually."

"Wise words." Ozpin agreed. And, internally, he couldn't help but wonder how much suffering could have been prevented had Salem ever heard them before...well, all that. He wasn't concrete on her goals-these days-yet, & he wasn't certain on what He had actually said to her, but...

[*Slow Buildup Intermission*]

"Okay, yeah, song good." Nora stated. "It's...yeah, this is nice."

"...Why do you always get to have the first word in?" Yang noticed.

"Maybe it's part of that thing she hinted at earlier." Weiss theorized. She still wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"Regardless, I believe we should just...enjoy it, as much as we can." Pyrrha offered.

"Yeah, I think it's starting to..." Blake trailed off, allowing the melody to pick up.

"Yeah, okay, maybe we needed this." Jaune admitted. "Even if we're repeating ourselves."

"Sometimes it does take a while." Ozpin agreed.

"Hm." Glynda also grunted ambiguously.

"Alright, let's just take this slow, and..." At Ruby's decoration, they allowed the rest of the melody to play out unitterupted. But then...

[Let's Just Live
Just one day let's
Forget our problems]

"Oh hey, that's-" Nora began.

"-Different." Yang cut her off with a grin. Ruby also grinned-her sister was starting to come to terms with it.

"Well, that...kind of can't be today." Blake pointed out. "We're gonna be stuck with nothing BUT our problems."

"And then there's the "AMVs" or whatever, which will probably just show more of it." Weiss added.

"So...when will we?" Jaune asked.

[Let's fall in love with life
And just be free]

"Perhaps after we've prevented Beacon from falling." Ren offered.

"...Maybe after the Festival. I wouldn't mind showing you around Argus." Pyrrha offered.

"I've never actually been myself." Ozpin admitted. "But I've always admired what it COULD represent."

"Just make sure not to lose sight of the larger picture." Glynda told them. "Salem would hardly be stopped forever at just that."

"C'mon, we got this." Ruby confidently (re)stated.

[The sun will never fade
The night won't steal our day]

"Hey, the night has feelings also, maybe!" Ruby protested. "But yeah, I get the point, it's nice."

"Very...declarative." Weiss agreed. "Despite everything."

"I...never thought it could be that simple, not after..." Blake trailed off, looking at her partner.

Yang grabbed her hand. Right arm shaking somewhat, but... "But we can figure it out."

[Let's laugh
And dance
And love and
Let's Just Liiiiiiiiiiive...]

And with that, the song was over. "Okay, so that was-" Ruby began.

"-That took WAY longer than it should have, does anyone else feel like that?" Nora asked.

"I mean, I'm feeling SOMETHING, yeah." Yang looked at her arm again. What...was this? It felt entirely like it was in her mind, but... "Eh, don't worry, I'll work through it." she assured the others.

"Right, so...yeah. Good song. Good message." Jaune agreed. "Now that we're, like, REALLY in the future, though..."

"...It's going to get even more personal, I can tell already." Weiss was resigned to that, though. "...I like our new outfits?" she added so as to not be completely glum.

"I believe we should focus on the advantage we've already gained." Ren proposed.

"Indeed. We've identified Salem's servants, & we can glean that they're going after The Lamp next." Glynda agreed.

"And we've gained personal advantages as well, I should think." Ozpin added, looking at Blake.

"...I'll call them tomorrow." Blake acquiesced. "Today's kind of busy." She still didn't trust the immortal wizard-& two days ago she'd have never been able to say that with a straight face-but at this point...wherever that went, they both knew she was going to be looking into it.

Perhaps that would be for the best.

"Alright, and up next we haaaaaaaaaaave..." Nora groaned a bit as Ruby seemed to be dragging it out EVEN MORE. "...Like Morning Follows Night. That's kinda wordy."


Hoh boy am I, first it's not changing the way the original author would emphasize certain words, now I'm just not bother with changing how he misplaces the "&"s, and when he mentions AMVs. 

I'm not doing AMVs, ever.
I'm already barely psyching myself up to write Volume 6.

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