"'Like Morning Follows Night is a nice enough song.'" The note read. "'Not the most notable aside from Lamar returning,'" Nora gave a cheer at that, "in a VERY different role than his stuff before. Oh, right, it's from the perspective of Blake Belladonna & Sun Wukong (just go with that). I'm pretty sure you can tell who's who. Oh, and depending on where a certain line of questioning went last time, Blake, keep in mind that this doesn't have to be romantic. Just not something they'd worked out by then.'"
"...Alright then, let's get started." Blake agreed.
[Song Start]
[*Chill Buildup*]
"Huh, this is nice." Ruby noted.
"Kind of sounds like traditional Faunus music, with specifically old Saunus roots. Though I'm certain on Earth it's something different." Pyrrha explained.
"You are a...surprising font of information on this subject." Blake noted.
"Well, I try." Pyrrha sheepishly stated.
"Again, more than many would..." But before Blake could say anything more...
[You don't know what it's
Like to live in shadows]"...So this part's obviously about me." Blake deadpanned. "And it's...not to say that other people haven't..."
"Blake. Am I going to have to turn this around on you?" Weiss smirked. "It's fine."
"Besides, I don't think Sun really gets it." Yang agreed. "Guy's LOUD."
[Always regretting
What you've done]"THAT part, though..." Blake countered.
"...Yes, well. That's..." Weiss trailed off.
Ozpin just looked at them. How many had he made...and how many were yet to come?
[Spending time counting
Every little mistake]That, however... "I believe that, taken literally, that's...rather counterproductive." Ozpin countered.
"But...I DO need to focus on what I've done wrong." Blake counter-argued. "If I didn't doubt myself, then..."
"Indeed, but...there is a balance here." Like Ozpin was one to talk.
[Knowing it's always
Easier to run]"Always looked like that, but..." Blake looked to her Team. "...yeah, I guess it wouldn't be. Maybe it never was."
"Well, I think it was worth it in THAT case." Weiss assured her. "I did much the same."
"It...really depends on the situation." Ren offered.
[You don't have to spend
Your life looking backward]"Oh hey Lamar, how you been?" Nora asked in excitement.
"I can definitely see what the S.I.D meant by "different", here." Glynda stated.
"Yeah, Sun's nowhere NEAR this quiet in real life." Jaune backed up his fellow (student) blonde.
[We've been through this
Over and over again]"HAH!" Nora shouted. "Even the song gets it."
"Yeah, yeah..." Blake smiled. It WAS true.
"We'll go through it as many times as it takes!" Ruby repeated.
"You've said that before." Weiss pointed out with a grin. Ruby only grinned back.
[You can't just
Wish it away]
RWBY Listens to The Soundtrack
RandomHow much of the future-and indeed the present-can RWBY, JNPR, and Ozpin & Glynda gleam from a soundtrack? Some context will be provided, but only a bit. _____ This is a Repost of the Original from Spacebattles. Original Author said some "choice word...