Vol. 4, Armed & Ready

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     "'Armed & Ready is from the perspective of Yang Xiao Long, specifically from the end of the Volume.'" The note explained. "'As you'd imagine from the intro, it contains references to Adam Taurus as well as...well, the fandom was kind of split on that one. Doesn't help that around here is when some people started noticing certain things. Anyways, I personally think it could be about Blake Belladonna or Ruby Rose. Anyways, enjoy.'"

[Song Start]

[*Somber Buildup*]

"...So, what do we think this means about...y'know?" Nora started.

"The name would...seem to imply something triumphant." Ren offered.

"And the note DID specify that it was at the end of the Volume." Pyrrha added.

"What did it mean about either Ruby or Blake? Why not all of them?" Jaune questioned. Well, Nora had a theory as to the Blake thing...

"You do remember that Yang's right here, yes?" Weiss rhetorically asked. "This is about her, & she could probably elucidate on some of that."

"Eh, don't worry about it." Yang waved off. Or at least tried to, as her right arm began to shake a little. "What, that's ridiculous, I didn't actually..." she muttered.

Ruby & Blake grabbed the arm. "Maybe not, but we all saw it." Ruby assured her. "We get it."

"I just...this is weird, right?" Yang asked. "Cause it's still there. It's still..."

"Perhaps, knowing that you would have lost it, your mind is making these connections." Of course, Ozpin wasn't an expert at that, never had the time, but it seemed reasonable to him.

"Well, this multiverse stuff probably hasn't really been considered there." Blake pointed out, still holding on. "But if I saw myself like that, & if I KNEW that that WOULD have happened..."

"I don't think it's unreasonable." Glynda agreed.

"The question is, why did YOU react like that?" Nora pointed to Weiss.

"...I don't really know." Weiss admitted. "Maybe it's because I think we should be focusing on the person this is actually about. It's...a traumatic experience, after all."

"Aw, thanks Weiss Cream." Yang said sincerely. Weiss let it slide for now.

"...Going back to what it means," Blake continued, "I think it's...well, you don't ever "get over" this stuff, I guess, but..."

"...Keep moving forward." Ruby finished. "I think you-she, whatever-managed that. She had a whole Volume after all."

"I...I mean, kinda looks like that, yeah." Yang granted. "Still, just...I'm going back to how I looked there, and...idunno. I never really thought about this kind of thing. And now we're focusing on it, and...this is just gonna get more awkward, isn't it?" Yang was genuinely at a loss. Were this a less serious situation, Nora at least would be laughing. But she knew better. All of them did, by now.

"Maybe, but you have us." Ruby assured.

"Always." Blake promised.

"...Yeah. Alright, Future Me, what do you got?" Yang asked. Conveniently...

[It happens every night
I watch my world ignite]

"You know, normally that would sound cool, but..." Yang weakly chuckled.

"Yeah, that's...don't like that." Ruby admitted.

"Eh, given my first song, I'm sure someone's gonna say that it's a good callback or whatever." Yang pointed out. "Probably already did."

"Yeah but...no." Ruby firmly stated. "Urgh, I hate this. Can we skip to the good stuff?" Of course, Ruby knew they couldn't, but...

[But there's no waking
From this nightmare]

"Yeah, uh, guess it's my turn to go all "sorry if I'm making it sound like I have it worse", cause..." Yang sheepishly lampshaded while looking at Blake & Weiss.

"You would have lost an ARM, Yang." Weiss chastised. "And..." Weiss thought better of whatever she was about to say.

"...there's also my...original mom, right?" Yang

"Well, the note didn't mention her, so I didn't want to..." Weiss explained.

"It's fine. She's gonna come up eventually." And Yang hoped it would be soon. She was SO CLOSE...

[The stage is always set
The place I can't forget]

"I can still remember exactly where I was when I...told my parents they were..." Blake couldn't finish that. So instead she just continued, "I remember the exact details of the train where I...cut him out of my life. I'm sure Weiss has similar stories."

"Yeah, probably." Yang knew that Blake knew what she was talking about. "...Huh, kinda feel like I should have more to say..."

"Well...plenty of time for that now..." Blake muttered.

[The hidden eyes
That I can feel there]

"It can often feel like that, yes." Ozpin redundantly added. "Of course, I'm somewhat of an unreliable source as I have quite literally heard voices in my head in all but one of my lifetimes."

"Man, who knew you had it in you." Yang chuckled. That was nice...even if she still didn't trust him. "Don't think that makes us totally cool, though..."

"...We will get there, sooner rather than later, I'd think." Ozpin admitted. Team RNJR & Qrow WERE in Mistral, after all...

[*Epic Buildup*]

"Alright, that's what I'm talking about!" Nora exclaimed.

"This is gonna be great!" Ruby agreed.

"It started out somewhat melancholic, but..." Ren noted.

"...I think that's appropriate, all things considered." Weiss realized. "It never goes away, even after you "get your groove back", as I believe the kids say."

"Uh, do they actually?" Jaune wondered.

"I wouldn't really know." Pyrrha admitted.

"This coming from actual children..." Glynda muttered.

"They certainly said it at one point, I know that much." Ozpin added.

"...Anyways, Yang. You sure you're alright?" Blake asked in concern. "You seem a little...off-balance."

"Hey, give me a little credit." Yang retorted with a smirk. "But yeah idunno, felt kinda tired there. Don't know why. Aaaaanyway, let's see where this is going..." And so they waited. Just for a bit.

[My eyes are open wide
I'm racing to her side]

"...Well, better late than never." Yang couldn't really be THAT angry at her original self, cause yeah: Healing takes time.

"Trust me, I-she-gets it." Ruby whispered.

"Uh, that's a whole continent away." Jaune pointed out. "How are you gonna...?"

"I can think of a way." Ozpin stated. "Not perfect, but easier than the alternative...somewhat."

"Yaaaaay, more cryptic stuff..." Yang muttered.

"...So, didn't the note say it wasn't sure who exactly the song was talking about?" Nora reminded them.

"Yes, it offered both Ruby AND Blake as options, & this seems to be the place." Weiss analyzed.

[There's nothing that
I won't do for her]

"I'm not certain I understand why it would be Blake, no offense meant." Ren admitted.

"Oh, you'll get it..." Nora whispered.

"Well, I...do remember Yang's promise during Like Morning Follows Night." Pyrrha added. "That you'd say everything Sun did." she looked at the brawler.

"Okay, but I'm not...that important." Blake protested. "Not like Ruby is. So I don't even know why the fans would make that connection..."

"Perhaps not "important" in the exact same way as Ms. Rose, but I wouldn't discount it." Glynda spoke up. Ms. Nikos's comment grabbed her attention. Maybe Ms. Valkyrie was on to something. Again.

"Yeah, come on." Yang told her partner. "We're good. Sides, Pyrrha's not wrong."

"Hm. And I suppose it didn't specify..." Blake

"I'm okay with sharing the reference!" Ruby added. "...um, is that the right word?" But that question would go unanswered, as...

[But this is not a dream
My mind repeats the scene]

"Yeah, I noticed." Yang recalled the intro. "Can't blame ya. Not sure I'm gonna be able to..."

"...We have a lot more issues than we thought we did, huh?" Ruby noted. "Me & mom, this..."

"Eh, I guess everyone does." Yang theorized. "No one's happy all the time, right?"

[I can't forget it
And it's torture]

"I mean, I say that it hits me, but I still have the thing, don't I?" Yang couldn't stop it from shaking about, however. Okay what and how? "So...not like it does for her."

"It's okay to still feel like that even if you know that someone has it worse." Blake reminded. "I've said that to Weiss enough times by now."

"And I think I'm finally listening." Weiss granted. "What about you?"

"...Gods this is just weird." Was all Yang could really say right then.

[That was before
But not anymore
I've left it behind]

"Ehhh, I mean, we've gone over how we can't "leave it behind" or whatever, but I get the point." Yang stated. "7/10."

"Are you...critiquing your original self's song?" Glynda was somewhat incredulous.

"Hell no, I'm CORRECTING it." Yang clarified. "Y'know, cause we talked about this already."

"For the sake of brevity, I'd say it fits." Ozpin concluded. "

[As much as I lost
Once I'm across
I'll fiiiiiind]

"Just need to take the leap. Difficult, but not impossible." Ren reiterated.

"You can find a lot of stuff like that." Nora agreed.

"Says the girl who couldn't admit her crush until a song forced her to yesterday." Yang noted. "But yeah, good stuff."

"Hahaha just wait..." Nora promised.

[I've found the strength
To grow so much more]

"From what I understand, you're never quite the same after such an event." Pyrrha remembered her talks with Ren after The Breach. They never got to save that village...

"Well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, I guess." Yang

"If you let it, anyways." Jaune added. "I think some people can't, or won't."

"...Huh, REALLY didn't know you had it in you, Vomit Boy." Yang admitted.

[A whisper to a roar]

"Huh. Yknow, part of me feels like ME me was just kind of insulted, but...that's a pretty cool line." Yang admitted.

"Maybe, but then I think we all tend to regard our pasts with a...little bit of embarrassment." Blake countered. "I know my perspective isn't...the best, but still."

[No more crying
It's time for me
To soar!]

"It's...you know it's okay to cry, right OG!Yang?" Ruby was somewhat concerned.

"I'm certain that she knows that." Weiss told her partner. "But it's equally true that you DO need to move forward. These ideas CAN coexist."

"Yeah, I think she gets it." Yang agreed. "And hey, wings again."

[Feel like I'm finally unbroken
Feel like I'm back from the dead]

"I'm glad." Pyrrha smiled.

"Hey, only Ozpin can come back from the dead!" Nora chastised. "...Right?"

"Technically, yes, though the process of the Maiden Transfer could perhaps be considered a form of resurrection." Ozpin rationalized. Well, technically Salem couldn't be "brought back from the dead" because her nature prevented her from dying, but practically...he'd reduced her to atoms several times, when he still had most of his magic. If that wasn't "resurrection", then...

"Hm." Blake felt that that answer was somewhat...vague. It left room for loopholes, & he...didn't sound as certain as he usually did. What was he thinking now? Well, now wasn't the time. Now... "Also, uh, Professor Goodwitch, isn't this the part where you point out how odd our reactions are right now?"

"No, I think I've come to accept it." Glynda replied calmly.

[My strength back
And confidence growing]

"Yeah idunno how many times I can say "hell yeah" or whatever." Yang admitted.

"Didn't we say it was okay to repeat ourselves?" Jaune pointed out.

"Only when it's funny." Ren had to back Yang up.

[Out of my way cause
I'm Armed & Ready!]

"Aaaaaand title drop!" Nora stated.

"Hahaha." Yang grinned.

"So, uh, tell me if I'm being stupid, but wouldn't it be kinda hard to use your weapon with only one arm?" Jaune asked.

"Well, I believe that it could be incorporated into a prosthetic of sorts." Ozpin answered. "At least judging from the Atlesian Drones. So I believe that she truly could be "armed and ready", as it were."

"...Wait, I just realized, is that a-" Ruby began.

"Well I mean, I'd probably want it integrated like that. Way easier." Yang cut off.

"Thays not what I-" But Ruby could tell that Yang had won thing round. And honestly? It was nice to see, considering what this was about.

[(Armed & Ready)
(Armed & Ready)
We're ready!]

"Yes, I think we're getting the point, thank you." Weiss's tone didn't quite match what she was saying, though, & she was smiling throughout.

"Well, like Vomit Boy said, we gotta repeat it a bunch." Yang jokingly defended.

"But, you just-" Jaune was cut off.

"It's like the CFVY song, gotta hammer it in!" Nora declared, before realizing just how she'd phrased it.

"And for the record, that was unintentional on her part." Ren added. Yang could tell. She didn't do puns all that often, but when she DID...

[(Armed & Ready)
Ready! Ready!
Armed & Ready! (Armed & Ready!)]

"It IS pretty energizing, I'd have to say." Pyrrha said.

"This is going surprisingly well given how understandably dour the intro was." Glynda added.

"I mean, was the intro that bad, y'know, looking back on it?" Ruby countered. "The whole point was the keep moving forward thing."

"True enough." Ozpin granted. "I suppose after how yesterday ended, that all of these songs are in some way triumphant for us, Qrow's understandably notwithstanding, it's somewhat unexpected."

"Mine wasn't that fun either, but I get the point." Blake added. "Well, for me anyways. Whereas this..."

"...Yeah this is pretty nice." Yang finished.

[*Short Interlude*]

"Alright, where do we think this is going next?" Ruby asked.

"More...defiant as always." Weiss stated. "At least judging from mine."

"Reclamation." Blake summed up. And, in truth, she wanted her own triumphant song, to give her the kind of hope she was seeing on Yang & Weiss now...but she could wait.

"Maybe it'll give me some hints about other stuff." Yang looked at her headmaster.

"I-" Ozpin was once more cut off.

[Remember all too well
My time of living hell]

Yang's arm began trembling a bit again, before she grabbed it with the other. "WE haven't actually." She reminded herself.

"Like Blake said, we know it WOULD have." Ruby pointed out.

"Still feels kinda cheap. Blake & Weiss actually went through that stuff, but I..." Yang was uncharacteristically off her game, as it were.

[The night my enemy
Would conquer]

"I cannot believe I am saying this to YOU, but it's understandable." Weiss replied. "You don't need to feel guilty over it."

"It's pretty evocative." Blake agreed.

"Yeah, I guess, I just...argh, this is weird." Yang complained.

[But now I've been set free
Lived through the tragedy]

"Cause maybe it's just that I...feel bad that I didn't?" Yang pointed at the screen. "Cause like, I'm obviously gonna try to avoid that, & it feels...idunno, kinda cheap?"

"We can't truly plan on these things, Ms. Xiao Long." Ozpin stated. Last night was proof enough of that, now wasn't it?

"You're not devaluing what she went through by not having done the same." Glynda assured her.

"Still, I feel kinda..." Yang's arm was shaking again. "...idunno. Weird."

"And you likely always will, but regardless of what happens, you just...need to manage it." Pyrrha stated. "It's not the same, I'm aware, but I...think I understand." Oh yeah, HER original self died.

[You wish you'd killed me
Now I'm stronger!]

"SO, let's focus on how awesome that is!" Nora proposed. "Abusive Prick The Second won't know what hit him..."

"Or perhaps already has, given the rest of the show." Ren pointed out.

"I'd like to see that." Jaune admitted. Everything he'd heard & seen of this Adam guy was...well.

"Hopefully it'll be in the AMVs." Glynda agreed. Normally she wouldn't be so invested, but she truly didn't think she'd be able to despise someone on a personal level (as while intellectually she hated Salem of course, the bigger the atrocity, the harder it was to formulate a response, she'd found) as much as, say, Jacques Schnee after Ms. Schnee's songs, but Adam Taurus seemed determined to change that.

"And...idunno, maybe you can do like Ren & Nora are, wait & see where she goes." Ruby proposed.

"Either way, that's the entire point of this. To learn from what WAS going to happen to deal with it ahead of time." Blake agreed.

"...That didn't make sense at the end, did it?" Yang lampshaded.

"No..." Ruby admitted.

"Not really." Blske said at the same time.

"Eh, well, like I keep saying, I get the point." Yang acknowledged. Her arm was still shaking a bit, but... "So let's see what else she's got."

[I am the golden one
Who burns just like the sun]

"Well, if there were any doubts as to who this is about..." Blake trailed off.

"...Heh. Yeah." Yang started smirking again. "I can be pretty neat sometimes. Also, Weiss, I notice you're not insulting me for saying that..."

"Maybe a little boasting is okay right now, given the circumstances." Weiss granted.

"Absolutely. Team Order." Ruby agreed.

[Next time we meet
Is your disaster]

"Hm. Doesn't seem entirely fair if I'm doing it alone. Blake, we can tag-team the dickweed, right?" Yang asked.

"...I'd like that." Well, Blake would LIKE for him to just go away, but if not...

[I'll bring the punishment
Your song will be lament]

"Now I want a song about him to actually be called that. Will have been called that?" Nora pondered.

"I would rather not have to get into his head." Pyrrha admitted.

"We...may have to, eventually." Ren pointed out.

"Yeah, uh...feel like we're kinda losing track." Jaune admitted. Plus, this felt...a little invasive to him.

[Revenge, my
Happy Ever After]

"Well, good to know I got that, at least." Yang smirked.

"...Are you not going to lecture about how revenge is wrong?" Blake asked the professors.

"Being obsessive about it is. Wanting to punch him a little isn't." Ozpin explained.

"Still, DO keep track of the people around you, otherwise..." Glynda began.

"...otherwise you end up like him." Blake finished.

"...Yeah, screw that & screw him." Yang replied.

[My misery, my agony
Have taught me to fly]

"I thought we concluded that Wings was about Blake?" Ren pointed out.

"Eh, we can also share that." Yang granted.

"And what else, eh...?" Nora whispered. She was on to them, she was sure now.

[The pain I went through
Left me with a new
War crrrryyyyyy!]

"Oooooh, what is it?" Ruby excitedly asked.

"You do realize that it's more of a broad statement, right?" Weiss notedZ

"Well, YEAH, I just...want to celebrate here." Ruby explained.

"Appreciate it, Rubles." Yang smiled.

[I'll live my life like
Every day's the last]

A daredevil attitude. Even still. Not always the best, some would say. To which the response is that this is more than that.

[No living in the past]

"Well, okay, that sounds pretty good." Yang granted.

"Most certainly." Ozpin firmly & immediately agreed.

"It's two different things; acknowledging the past & being stuck in it..." Blake muttered to herself.

[Best days ever
I'm never looking back]

"I mean, we ARE still kids, right? I guess it's all ahead of us, Grimm Queen or not." Yang acknowledged. "Still, I...think I'm doing alright. Sounds like it, anyway."

"And being awesome while doing it!" Nora praised.

"Not perfect, but there's no such thing." Weiss added.

"Yeah, see, we got this. All of us." Ruby agreed.

"Though it was hard to see how at times..." Ren admitted.

"But we WILL figure it out." Pyrrha affirmed.

"...Yeah." Jaune agreed. Despite everything, they were still there.

"That has been what most of this soundtrack has been about, hasn't it?" Glynda noted.

[Feel like I'm finally unbroken
Feel like I'm back from the dead]

Yang led the singing this time, of course. It still felt kinda weird to her as she never WAS broken like that...but then, there WAS still her mother...

[My strength back
And confidence growing]

Still, it more than made up for the intro. Yang WAS a little upset at her original self, even if intellectually she knew that it was perfectly reasonable given what had to have happened. But here was proof that she got out, as much as she could.

[Out of my way cause
I'm Armed & Ready!]

And no, she would not give Ruby the satisfaction of admitting to the pun there. She punned every now & then, but not NEARLY as much as Ruby, Dad, & Uncle Qrow always like say. Besides, like dad was anyone to talk with HIS particular brand of "humor." Sometimes he could be funny, but when he focused on THAT, then...

[(Armed & Ready)
(Armed & Ready)
We're Ready!]

There wasn't really much to say other than that. Other than, just like a couple songs ago, everyone was having fun with this.

[(Armed & Ready)
Ready! Ready!
Armed & Ready]

And they were happy to repeat it. The singing types, anyways. But of course, the song wasn't quite over yet, now was it...?

[Call me "Sweetheart"
And I'll tear you apart
Just call me "Sir"]

"Oh my God, that's amazing." Yang laughed. She noticed the others looking at her. "...Long story."

"Wish I had that kind of...gall." Blake admitted. That was a VERY nice verse, she saw.

"Don't be so hard on yourself either. You ARE one of the strongest people I know. Along with Ruby, both of you are." Weiss admitted.

"And what about the rest of us, huh?." Nora jokingly complained. Still, she had a fine eye for these things, & she didn't see it as anything like THAT on Weiss's part. Honestly hard to get a read on her.

[Try to resist, once
You meet my new fist

"So, we've confirmed that she's getting a prosthetic." Weiss summed up. "And that rhyme was...actually pretty clever."

"Okay, that's great, but where would I get one?" Yang pointed out. Smalltime Patch folk & all.

"Well, your father knows James, & James knows people." Ozpin theorized. Whatever else he may be, Ozpin knew that his friend DID mean well. He wasn't that heartless. Yet.

"Haha, yup, I guess he does..." Ruby muttered.

[Just look at the fire in my eyes
And bring my Strawberry Sunrise]

"I've heard good things about that drink." Ren admitted. Better Nora drink THAT than coffee.

"It has a VERY good taste, yea." Pyrrha could confirm.

"Okay, but why is it even coming up?" Jaune asked.

"Presumably it's part of that "long story"" Glynda looked at Yang, who just nodded...before considering something.

"...I never actually got it. I think." In truth, Yang didn't quite remember.

[It was you who began it
Now you're saying

Ruby's Scroll buzzed. It was a single word. "Uh, guys, what does "Barb" mean?"

"...Like the wire?" Weiss questioned.

"I believe it's an...admittedly old fashioned name, actually." Ozpin knew a few in his time.

"I think I've seen it in an older book once." Blake granted. "Still doesn't explain why the note brought it up, though."

"Iiiiii'm gonna guess it's an in-joke." Yang offered. "Kinda feels like that. Anyway, yeah, you get what you dished out, buddy. How d'ya like it?"

[Next time
There's no compromise]

"This kinda feels like another "out of context it's not great" lines." Jaune admitted.

"You can't "compromise" with people who aren't willing to do the same." Blake stated.

"True enough." Weiss knew her father would never, so why should she put effort in futility?

"And HE'S definitely not gonna." Yang felt confident in saying that at this point. Still, she looked to her partner, who nodded in resigned confirmation.

[*Graceful Interlude*]

"Okay, so, I'm pretty sure the last lines are gonna be stuff we heard before, I mean that's happened a much already, so...what do you think?" Yang asked.

"It's awesome and I'm so happy for you! Her. Whatever." Ruby stated.

"Inspirational." Blake admitted.

"Ruby already said it, I just want a Strawberry Sunrise now." Nora offered.

"Catchy &...well, fully deserved." Weiss granted.

"Definitely fits well with the theme thus far." Glynda remarked.

"Loud, but a good kind of loud. The best kind." Ren replied.

"...honestly, what everyone else already said." Jaune couldn't really think of anything else to say.

"Incredible." Pyrrha smiled.

"If, on Earth, a fan who who went through a similar ordeal was inspired & uplifted by it...then I think that impact shouldn't be ignored." Ozpin concluded.

"...Heh, yeah, good point." Yang hoped she was doing it well. That sort of thing was important, Blake taught her that. Her arm sook...but it felt less...invasive this time.

[Feel like I'm finally unbroken
Oh, now I'm back from the dead]

An indeed, this was just a repeat of the chorus. Come to think of it, had Weiss explained what that was twice? Questions for later.

[My strength back
And confidence growing]

It wasn't a simple or linear process...but you have to start somewhere. In this case, funnily enough, before it even happened.

[Out of my way cause
I'm Armed & Ready!]

Admittedly, many of them felt like they hadn't said all that they could & should have. It felt kinda weird, though that may be because of seeing Yang so...conflicted.

[(Armed & Ready)
(Armed & Ready)
We're Ready!]

Nonetheless, they all enjoyed it, as they did the last couple. It was nice when Jeff & Casey used their skills for good rather than causing pain. And like those last two, it was most certainly welcome after the intro.

[(Armed & Ready)
Ready! Ready!

"...Well, that was pretty awesome." Yang said after a moment.

"It was...really nice." Blake agreed.

"Even I'll give you that." Weiss smirked.

"Aw, they're bonding." Nora whispered to her partner/possible maybe eventual boyfriend.

"You've certainly earned it, all of you." Pyrrha still wasn't the BEST at this, but still.

"Alright, we good?" At the nods, Ruby continued. "Up next we haaaaaave....BMBLB. That is...not how you spell that." Wait, why did Nora just break out into a grin?

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