Vol. 1, Gold

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"'Gold has two meanings. In universe, it's absolutely from Yang Xiao Long about Ruby Rose, particularly when they were younger,'" the text explained, "'Though some people apparently need the reminder that Yang has her own life. OUT of universe, it's the songwriter, Jeff Williams, about his daughter, Casey Lee Williams, who sings most of the songs, though he lends his voice too. She was thirteen when she recorded these ones, btw.'"

"That's...impressive." Weiss admitted. "Did she have any kind of formal training or-"

"The note says it's probably just that her dad's a musician." Ruby cut her off. "And it's not done yet, so..."'Recently from my and Earth's standpoint, Jeff Williams retired from making music in general. Burnout, you know how it is. Casey's taking over from Volume 9 onwards." The note explained.

"Aw, that's nice," Ruby stated. "Carrying the torch and all that. Anyways, onto the song!"

[*Cheery, Upbeat Music*]

"Huh, that's...rather light." Weiss pointed out. "Wasn't expecting that after the last one".

"Oh I see your game, Weiss. I see it." Yang replied.

[Dream of anything
I'll make it all come true]

"A lofty promise, Yang". Blake pointed out. "Do you think you can keep it?"

"Well, duh." Yang half-jokingly replied. "Remember the last song?"

[Everything you need
Is all I have it all for you]

"This is gonna be really sappy, isn't it?" Nora commented.

"Don't you have a heart on your outfit?" Blake asked as if she could just see it.

"And my rockets!" Nora cheerfully confirmed. So why bring it up, Blake wondered?

[I'm forever
Always by your side]

"Oh jeez, this is gonna get sappy, isn't it?" Yang asked no one in particular. Nora just grinned. Ah, that's why.

[Whenever you need a friend
Never far behind]

"Aw, thanks Yang!" Ruby shouted out. "But didn't you ditch me when we got here?"

"Hey, you needed to socialize more." Yang defended.

"Yeah yeah, I know." Ruby replied. "...Whatever happened to those people anyways?"

"No clue." Yang admitted.

[If the stars all fall
When there's no more light]

"Well, you're "hotter than the sun" according to the last song, so that shouldn't be too hard, right?" Blake teased.

"Look, it's just a-a thing you say, right?" Yang defended.

"Uh-huh." Blake replied.

[And the moon should crumble
It will be alright]

"Boo!" Nora called out. "The moon's already broken!"

"I mean, it could get more more broken." Jaune suggested.

"...how did it get that way, anyways?" Pyrrha muttered to herself.

In truth, even Ozpin didn't fully know that one. He had asked, but he wasn't sure she was a reliable source. It spoke to great power in any event, as he knew well that there were only two who could do it deliberately...

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