Inner peace

330 11 4

It was dark outside. The night air was so cold and breezy. The river was waving along with the wind like useless grass. Were they supposed to be useless?

Minho walked slowly along the riverside and had a very deep thought about it. But the buzz of his phone got him out of his thought.

He looked at his phone. It was half past one in the morning. Who would text him this late?

He saw a message from the Kakao Talk app. It was an invitation to his old high school's reunion dinner sent by his old class' president in their old class' group chat.

Minho shut his phone down and continued walking until he reached his apartment.

Another useless walk.

He went to the lift and pressed the "going up" button. And when the lift reached the floor and opened for him, there he was - the boy who lived with him.

Minho looked at him, stunned, but he managed to slide into the lift. The lift was in complete silent as it went up, reaching their room's floor.

Minho walked out of the lift, reached his apartment together with the boy and was opening the door with his key, but as he slid the door open, he realised that he was alone.

The boy had disappeared out of thin air.

Minho frowned at himself and walked inside the boy's room to check on the boy. And surely confirmed that, the boy was not in the room.

He sighed and went straight to his bedroom across from the boy's room.

The boy was not used to going out this late, so why was he out?

Minho could not get that curiosity out of his head. The boy was used to sleep early since he was a middle schooler like a nerd he already was. He had once told Minho that it was his parents who had taught him that way.

And that conversation had happened a long time ago, when Minho still could not stand the feeling of having a goody-nerd person as his roommate. Not that he could stand it now.

Minho found himself hard to get close to this boy as they both seemed like they hated human. Though they never argued with each other, the air in the whole apartment room was just not right yet awkward.

It seemed to not bother the other boy at all, but Minho sometimes thought it would be nice to have a talk and play together. It often seemed like Minho was the one who was trying to befriend that boy because he was the one who would start every conversation first, though they had only talked for less than ten times.

Minho thought he had done a very good job to make the first move, despite the fact that he was an introvert. Even so, his hard work felt like a waste because the boy would just ignore him or end the talk with his "wise and manipulative" words.

It was annoying, surely for Minho.

After some time laying in bed with no intention to sleep at all, Minho heard a door creak.

He sat up on his bed and took a peek from his door. It was none other than his roommate. He opened his room's door wide and stepped out.


Minho started as he tilted his head, hoping to see some reactions from the latter. The boy halted immediately and turned around.


The boy was wearing a plain white shirt and some jogger he had been seen wearing for mostly all the time.

"Where have you been? You were usually not up this late," Minho continued.

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