Yearning kiss

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It was annoyingly freezing. There was a pulling force on the bed as one of the boys pulled the blanket for himself. But another stronger force pulled back and the boy with brown hair frowned, trying to pull back, harder.

Out of the sudden, he realised that he had pulled too hard, causing him to fall from the bed right on his face, without even succeeding in owning the blanket.

"Ouch..." he cried. He had never fallen out of bed before, and he let out a cry. It actually hurt like hell.

Rubbing his swollen face, Seungmin got up with no intention to return to sleep. He saw the time showing 9 in the morning from the glowing clock on his room and wondered if he should wake Minho up.

Decided not to, Seungmin crawled back to Minho's bed and played with his nose. Minho squinted his eyes and made a face every time Seungmin gave it a poke. Seungmin was screaming, crying, giggling, kicking his feet, throwing himself against the wall internally, but on the outside, he only decided to give a smile softer than cotton candies.

"Just like a cat," he mumbled.

Right then, he remembered his phone.

"Oops, gotta go find my phone," he said and left after planting a small kiss on Minho's llips.

Minho's eyes flickered open right after hearing the door click. He sat up and yawned. His back hurt but he knew he needed to go to work. So, he sighed and took a shower. He saw the hickey on his neck in the bathroom's mirror and smiled with a shake on his head.

"How am I supposed to hide this, oh my god..."

After some minutes, he got out from the bathroom half naked, being only covered by a towel around his waist. And he jumped upon seeing Seungmin sitting on his bed with his eyes staring big at him like a puppy.

Minho followed Seungmin's gaze as he looked from his face, to the towel, then back to the face.


"Are you naked in those?" Seungmin asked suddenly, causing Minho to flush.

"O-of course!" Minho looked around nervously as he slowly walked to his cupboard to find his clothes.

"Have you found your phone?" Minho asked as he started choosing his wears, ignoring the stare he knew if he got too immersed in, things would go a bit overboard.

"No," Seungmin replied. "Can I use your phone to call it?"

Minho halted.

"But I don't have your phone number."

"I can add," Seungmin replied.

"Right," Minho blinked and grabbed his clothes before closing the cupboard door and found Seungmin's face right behind those doors.

"So, can I?"

"Yeah," Minho found himself starstruck when Seungmin kissed him a 'thank you'.

"The phone is there..." he said, still in shock. Seungmin went to get it while Minho held his lips as if it was his first kiss. And remembering about his first kiss that was stolen by some random old schoolmate made him raging suddenly.

"Are you not going to wear your clothes?" Seungmin came back and handed Minho the phone on his hand. "Password."

"Oh, right!" Minho typed in the password and unlocked the phone before giving it back.

Seungmin took the phone and kept staring at him.

"What is it?" Minho asked. "Spit it out!"

Seungmin grinned playfully with squinted eyes and swayed his body from left to right like there was a transparent tail. He looked just like a golden retriever in Minho's eyes.

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