Infinity feeling

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It was still raining. It had been raining for the past 3 days. Even the sun was surrounded and hidden by the depressed grey clouds.

Minho was laying on his bed, with his phone right beside his right ear, thinking about the job he had applied for yesterday — a job at a cat cafe called Mew~.

He extremely loved cats, the same way he did his family members. He wished to get the call he was supposed to be receiving if he was on for the job. The boss of the cat cafe had said that she would call him around 10 to 11 a.m, when the cafe was getting ready to open.

But now that it was almost 11 a.m, Minho was losing his hope.

As he was about to get up and make his morning coffee, which he had missed because he had been too excited about the call all morning, the phone suddenly rang.

Minho sprang out from his bed and answered the phone call. "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Lee Minho-ssi?" A voice of a lady replied.

Minho nodded, "Yes, that's me."

The other call line said excitedly, "Hey, I'm Sullyoon from Mew~ Cafe. I'm very happy to tell you that you're accepted for the job."

Minho stood there, shocked. He could not believe what he had just heard.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much. When should I start?" he squeaked with the highest enthusiasm in his voice.

He hung up the call after knowing that he would be starting today. He cheered so loudly that he was sure Seungmin might be able to hear him, but he did not understand why he was thinking about his reaction.

Even the thought that he was thinking about his own roommate had him disgusted.

He slapped all the useless thoughts away and went to get a quick bath, getting ready for his new chapter of working with lovely cats and...

"Humans," Minho spat out the only one word that came to his mind every time he was taking orders from customers. He hated that he did not think about the consequences of working in a cafe, which included, interacting with people.

He tried his best not to look fierce nor tired whenever the customers ordered their drinks or dessert, because the only reason that could make him smile was the cats that were playing around in the cafe. The cats were the only ones stopping him from screaming out loud how tired he was through all the interactions with people.

When it was around 4 p.m, Sullyoon came to Minho with a big smile.

"You did great today. What do you think of it?"

"Of what?" Minho asked.

"The job, of course. Taking orders from behind the counter bar. How was it?"

Minho nodded aggressively. "Oh, yeah. I love it. The people didn't act weirdly like I've always heard. And I love that I can play with cats while working too. I hope you can keep me long here."

Minho admitted silently that he had lied about the first half of his words but the rest was true. Sullyoon maintained her smile so long that Minho thought she must have been tired doing that.

"I hope you can stay long."


"Nothing," Sullyoon looked around and returned her focus on Minho at once. "Um, uh, I haven't introduced you to the barista, right? I was going to let you guys meet, but the barista isn't good with people, and he rejects. But don't worry, I'll find a way to make you two meet."

Minho smiled back, "Thanks, but don't bother if he doesn't like it."

Sullyoon shook her head. "Nope. Co-workers need to know each other. And you need to taste his coffee. It's splendid."

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