Ordinary day

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It was too early. Seungmin had been walking around the town to find cafes that were already opened, but he kept meeting disappointments as all of the cafes he had gone to were still closed.

The time on his phone showed exactly 9:15 a.m, and by now, the cafe he was working at was already opened. But as he looked around Mew~ Cafe, he saw no one was there that he started to wonder whether it was opening or not.

He wandered around again and finally saw Hyunjin's cafe was only starting to close. He walked inside with a ring from bells on the door, only to receive 'Sorry, we're closing' from the only waiter there.

Seungmin turned to the person and frowned.


The waiter with freckles and silver mullet hair turned to the only person in front of the counter and smiled widely.

"Oh? Seungminie? What are you doing here?" Felix cheered as he put down everything he was doing and came to Seungmin in the speed of light.

"You work here?" Seungmin asked, his mouth almost left hanging open. "Since when?"

"What are you talking about? I own this cafe," Felix replied, his voice clearly showed how confused he was.

"What?" This time, Seungmin let his mouth unclosed, feeling betrayed and bewildered. "But just the other day, Hyunjinie told me he owns this cafe. What's going on?"

Felix laughed at the sight of the shocked boy in front of him. "Do you seriously not know?

"You do read what the name of this cafe is, right?" Felix asked, trying to calm Seungmin down.

"Yeah," Seungmin nodded. "Bro's Latte."

"Exactly," Felix winked. "The 'Bro' comes from brownie, significance to me while 'Latte' comes from Hyunjin, who works as a barista. I remember I did the explanation in one of the hangouts before...and I even did it in the group chat too. Did you not read the texts?"

Seungmin, still could not come back to his senses, kept on staring. Finally, he spoke up, "So, you and Hyunjin own this cafe together? As partners?"

"That's right," Felix clapped his hands. "So, why are you here?"

"I thought... I wanted to ask... 'bout something..." Seungmin stopped between words as he was still recalling when in the world had this cafe thing been explained.

"About what?" Felix blinked.

"Um... I..." The brown haired boy looked down, then up with a smile. "Never mind. You're closing, right? When is it going to open again?"

Felix eyed the younger suspiciously and did not answer for a while. But as the silence was getting a little too loud, he finally replied, "Supposedly one? I'm not sure. My shift's just over. Then, I'll go home, take a nap and come back at nine. Our time at Bro's Latte is different than the other cafes, so you can come by if you're still up and free."

"So, you work during the night shift?" Seungmin asked, remembering something.

Seeing Felix nod, he continued, "But the last time I was here with Hyunjin, you weren't the one taking order. Where were you?"

"You were here? When?"

"Sunday morning. After 4 something."

Felix had a thought and clicked his fingers, giving Seungmin the softest chuckles that made his bread cheeks rise.

"Ah... I was sick that day. I couldn't come to work, so the other waiter took my place instead. He was very tired after that."

Seungmin remembered how the waiter did look a bit tired and was working a bit slow that day, but his mind was thinking about something else.

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