The truth

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It was him again — that was what everyone had been talking about then.

They said his parents had always known there was something wrong with their son but had never done anything about it.

A boy from another world — an unsolved mystery case that had helped the deaths of the many.

There was once a weak young boy who lived in a small village near the seaside with his parents. The father lived up to his role as the head of the family working as a fisher meanwhile the mother stayed at home waiting patiently for her husband and taking care of the son.

Every day, the father would bring home fishes he had caught from the sea for the mother to cook and make luxurious meals for the whole family. The son was a good child, a special one, indeed.

Some kids showed hatred towards him for the way he looked — that pair of narrow eyes, height taller than his peers — and his habit of wearing anything he wanted, perhaps something like going out without wearing shoes.

Most of the kids would call him strange, but even if the whole world was standing against him, he effortlessly seemed like he was the type to be standing his ground no matter what.

The family lived in the village for a decade and had gotten real close with the soil of the land, however during one time of the eleventh year, a terrible starving season arrived, causing water sources to dry out and the soil was no longer healthy enough for plants to grow.

At least one person would die each week. Everyone was terrified, and of course, that included the boy's family.

So, the father planned to move out of there, but the son objected. He told his parents that the fishes would reappear someday later and that the plants would regrow without anyone taking care of them.

The rumours about the boy's prediction spread like fire in the bush around the whole village. Most villagers did not believe him.

Until 2 days after that that everything the boy had said became true, and people began to talk.

"It was a miracle. The boy's a gift sent from heaven to help us from troubles," some said, while some other people said, "He's a danger to the world. The boy's a punishment sent from hell to lead us to evil."

Consequently, the boy was then forced to move out of the place with his parents and that was when he realised that something inside him was weakening. And he started living like a  normal child ever since.

There were news of the death of the villagers some weeks later, but the boy's family could not confirm any of them. They had lost contact with everyone there.

It took them a while to find the perfect town at first because they were still not used to living in a city. Until the boy had reached middle highb that the parents moved to a more stable town where economy was not really a problem to them anymore.

Now, the boy had moved out of his parent's house and found a house by himself without the help of his parents anymore. He was now an adult, living in a rent house, in hope he would find a stable job to continue living.

And he did. Everything he wanted became true and he was really happy at how his life was flowing. He gained some friends and fed the poors. He did a lot of good deeds, and he could not wish for more.

It was perfect.

But...right after he blew out his 21st birthday candles, his world started rolling around. Days passed where he could not be at peace. At all.

It felt as though he was in danger. He had been experiencing some bad signs, like the missing news of his friend, the fire incident that had happened to one of his friends and some creepy strangers who had been coming at him.

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