Naked eyes

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It was so exciting. Seungmin could not help feeling an adrenaline rush as he sat on the famed roller-coaster in the middle of the theme park.

He turned to his left side and saw his boss — or maybe, we should call her his friend, Cho Miyeon, trembling with the widest smile ever.

"It's kind of scary, isn't it?"

The lady turned to him and nodded hastily.

"Now that I'm sitting on THE roller-coaster for real, it's freaking me out...but at the same time, I'm so excited," she chuckled as her companion grinned.

"Enjoy the ride, nuna," Seungmin said and held the grip as loose as the sweater he was wearing right now. Miyeon yelled with excitement when the roller-coaster started moving.

"Here we go~" she turned to her back and told the other workers. "Enjoy it, guys! AHHH — "

Seungmin laughed at how Miyeon was closing her eyes each time they went downhill. He held her hands to ease her mind and decided to raise them up naughtily.

"AHHH — "


The ride ended with the great song sung by Seungmin's companion to whom Seungmin clapped his hands, applauding for the performance. The rest of the team copied his action.

"It was a great song, nuna," he nodded mockingly. "I envy you for having such a good voice."

Miyeon rolled her eyes while she was still trying to calm the spinning inside her head down.

"Let's go play something else," she suggested. "Oh! What about we divide team? That way, we won't meet big disagreement in what to play, right?"

The three workers including Seungmin looked at one another and blinked, then turned back to the boss.

"How do we divide?" Seungmin questioned.

"Hmm... We've 2 men and 2 women. What about couple pairing, a man and a woman?"

It took Seungmin a while to understand why he was being dragged by Miyeon out of the sudden right after hearing 'sure' from the other two co-workers. And he was bewildered when he found himself standing in front of a basketball game, with Miyeon by his side.

"Let's play this, Seungmin. Let's compete."

Miyeon put in the tokens and the game started. Seungmin smirked.

"Remember who you're asking to compete, sister."

Then, both of them started throwing those basketballs like crazy. It would have been Miyeon's win if someone did not interrupt the game and helped Seungmin throw the balls while Seungmin stared at him, too stunned to speak.

Miyeon stood there, not knowing what to do when she saw who the annoying interrupter was. She examined her friend's surprised and scared face and decided to act out.

She grabbed the boy's wrist and tried to pull him away, but another force stopped her from doing that.

"Wait," the tall bloke said while holding on Seungmin's other wrist. "Can I talk with you?"

Miyeon saw how trembling the brown haired boy's eyes were, so she answered, "Today's my special day, Yeonjun. You should...not interrupt."

"I know," the cherry pink haired boy nodded and turned to her. "I heard the news. Congratulations, nuna."

"Yeah, thanks," she forced out a smile, her eyes stayed on her companion's face. "We need to go, by the way. Bye."

"Oh..." the boy slowly let go of Seungmin's hand and smiled softly. "See you some other time, then."

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