Indecisive people

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It was already midnight. The door of the apartment room No. 2522 was looking the grimmest of all.

Seungmin was sitting in the infamous living room inside the room alone in the pitch black, with his eyes moving repeatedly towards the door and the clock. The ticking of the clock was getting similar to his own heartbeat as he kept staring at the time that was clearly showing 12 in the morning.

He could not get the thought of the absence of his roommate out of his mind as his head started forming fake scenarios like, Minho was probably out at the night club he knew he was not used to go. Or maybe he was out with his new friends or something, and Seungmin hated that he knew how less friends Minho had. So, perhaps Minho was kidnapped, but then, Seungmin remembered Minho was a boxer.

Seungmin's head was going everywhere as he kept imagining and destroying images by himself one by one.

Without warning, the apartment room door bursted open. Seungmin stared at the shadow of a shaking boy at the front door, feeling very confused as to how there was a high possibility that the boy was drunk.

"A-are you okay?" Seungmin stuttered as he got up from his seat and went to switch on the light calmly. The light filled the whole dark room and Seungmin could clearly see how red and puffy his roommate's face was.

He hurried over to Minho and helped him to the cushion in the living room. He went to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water.

"Drink this up," Seungmin said, handing the weak boy the glass of water. Minho rummaged around to find the water with his eyes closed, trying hard to open his eyes but still could not. Seungmin thought he looked so cute.

Without any hesitation, Seungmin held Minho's small hands and told him not to move around as he brought the glass to his lips and let him sip it.

Minho relaxed his body and got his wrists out of Seungmin's grip to hold the glass by himself. And slowly, he opened his eyes.

"T-thanks," he mumbled while looking away, audibly enough for Seungmin to hear. Seungmin only nodded.

"Am I home?" Minho asked, his eyes were blinking normally, but Seungmin was sure he had no idea what was going on around him right now. He seemed lost to the alcohol.

"Yes," Seungmin answered as he studied Minho's face. His cheeks were so puffy like rising dough, and Seungmin had a wish to maybe - just maybe - give it a little pinch.

But then, he slightly slapped his own face and told himself not to think of doing something weird. After that, he said, "Lee Know-hyung."

The latter blinked his eyes sleepily and turned to face the younger. "What is it?"

Though it was slow, Seungmin was amazed at how Minho was still aware of him and responding to him.

"Do you want to go sleep?"

Minho blinked his eyes for quite a while without answering. Finally, he smiled with his eyes closed.

"Yeah, I want to sleep with you."

Saying that, he dropped on Seungmin's lap, causing the younger to stop breathing almost instantly. He widened his eyes and coughed a little.


But there was no more response, except for the slow pace Minho's steady breathing that filled the whole room. Seungmin tried shaking the boy gently to wake him up but it was clear that he was almost already a mannequin.

So, Seungmin locked the apartment room's door, switched off the living room's light, carried Minho in a bridal posture and brought him to his own room. He put him lightly on the bed and helped him pull the blanket for him, but on halfway, Seungmin heard him mumbling something.

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