Beyond thinking

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It was getting late. Seungmin regretted sending his ex-boss, Miyeon home because her fiancé was insisting him to stay inside the apartment room while waiting for the rain to stop. It had almost been twenty minutes.

Bang Chan by his side noticed every single movement of him and poked his thighs countable times. Seungmin turned to him, looking more tired and tired for each turning heads.

When the owner of the house went to the kitchen to get some teas for both of them, Bang Chan started quietly.

"Do you want to tell him that Minho is in the car downstairs?"

Seungmin turned to the red head and gave him a thumb up.


"Lee Know-hyung, hurry up!" Seungmin said as he led the way out of the restaurant while carrying Miyeon on his back.


A voice differed from Minho's made Seungmin turn to his back, just to find Bang Chan holding the drunk boy to give him support so that he did not fall down.

"I think he passed out," he said to Seungmin, looking concerned.

Seungmin sighed while shaking his head. He was lost in whether to send Miyeon or Minho home, when in the end, he made his choice because he felt sorry for not giving his best during the dinner despite it was their last day as co-workers.

"Hyung, I am so sorry to tell you this, but can you help me sending him home?" Seungmin hesitated, starting to feel a little sorry to Minho. "I need to get nuna home."

Bang Chan looked at Minho and blinked.

"You need a cab?"

And so, Seungmin was brought to the silver car with Miyeon on his back by Bang Chan who was carrying Minho on his back.

"What are you doing here, though?" Seungmin asked.

"The reunion," Bang Chan replied. "Which, of course, you've never been to." He peeked at Seungmin while putting Minho in the car's backseat. "What are you doing here with Minho and...Miyeon?"

"Ah..." Seungmin thought for a while as he put Miyeon in the backseat, next to Minho. Then, he put on a small smile.

"I worked with Miyeon. And we had a dinner party tonight to celebrate our last day as co-workers," he said.

Bang Chan, who had just settled on the driver's seat, turned to him instantly.

"What?" he frowned. "At Our Cafe? Since when?"

Seungmin maintained his smile and answered, "All this time."

The red head turned away, vanishing his desire to start the car engine.

"How... How did I not know?... It's been 2 years!"

Keeping his eyes on Minho from the passanger seat, Seungmin hoped he had maybe put him in a more comfortable position, not with his head down and crossed legs. He could not imagine how unpleasing Minho must have felt.

Out of the blue, he felt Bang Chan's hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I'm talking to you. What — What are you looking at?"

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