Young boys

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It was cold again. In the far end of the river's endless small waves, there Minho stood.

His eyes plastered towards the endles night sky with the absence of stars. His grey long coat fluttered along with the wind, his hands shivered due to the cold he could not handle well thus that was why he was rubbing his hand palms together and blowing them to keep them warm.

He was staring so deeply into the darkness in front of him he was starting to feel it taking over all the surrounding and leaving him standing alone in the middle. He turned around when he felt himself almost falling.


Minho tilted his head as soon as he heard the sharp voice of the boy in front of him, bowing with his silver mullet hair. He remembered him, but he was at a state of loss of words.

The bowing boy stood straight and Minho could clearly see the freckles on his pale face. The boy smiled when he realised who it was.

"H-hey... I know you..." he started while rubbing his chin and making a wondering face. "You're Lee Know-hyung! Right?"

Minho blinked his eyes.

"I'm so sorry for bumping into you," the freckles boy bowed again. "The river's too mesmerising, I can't even walk straight."


"Do you remember me?"

Minho nodded. "I do. You're Felix."

"Oh, you're right. What are you doing here by the way?"

"Just watching the night view," Minho forced a smile.

"I rarely see you here. Not to mention the amount of time we've met. I think this is the first time we actually meet outside of Channie-hyung's house, right?"

"Y-yeah... I guess so..."

Felix then clapped his hands and asked, "Are you going home? Or do you want to come with me?"

Minho raised his brows. "W-where to?"

"I'm going to work. I work at a late-night cafe — Do you not know?" Felix asked, confused.



Bro's Latte Cafe was looking as calm as it had always been. The dim lights in the cafe were showering everything, turning them into yellowish.

Minho was sitting on a chair of a 2-people table.

He was looking around the cafe, his heart pumping faster and faster. He wondered why he had not known there was a cafe like this around his neighbourhood. And he wondered why he let himself follow Felix.

Felix was at the front counter bar, taking orders from customers. He was wearing a long sleeves black shirt with a black slack pants. Minho thought he looked really good in those.

Felix caught Minho's eyes and smiled. Minho returned it.

Then, Minho looked away and examined the cafe once again. He was attracted to the empty stage right across from the seat by the big window he was sitting at currently.

He pondered why it was left empty and why it was there to even begin with.

"You like the stage?" Minho felt something slid on his shoulder. "There used to be a singer here, but he quits and becomes our barista."

Minho nodded and tried to continue the talk, "Who is he?"

Felix frowned. "I don't think you'll know him."

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