Another one

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It was pitch black. In the middle of the tangling blanket on his bed, there Minho woke up so suddenly. He sprang up straight, trying to remember what had happened.

Looking down at his body, he realised that he was still in his work shirt from yesterday.

What happened? he grabbed his hair forcefully, knocking himself out to recall about yesterday's matter. He remembered kissing Seungmin so intensely but the memory ended right there.

He turned around when there was a sense of movement under the blanket on his right side, breathing.

"AHH — " he yelled and stood up as fast as he could, causing the sleepy human to wake up in a hurry.

"W-what — What? What happened?" the human asked, sitting up and looking around with his puffy face. It did not take Minho a second look to recognise that shadow of his roommate.

"S...Seungmin?" he stammered.

The boy groaned as Minho looked around his room and frowned, his eyes judging on the messy haired boy from head to toe.

"What are you my room?" he took some steps backwards, reaching out for backup.

Seungmin scratched his head with squinted eyes when suddenly he halted.

"Ah..." he let out.


"That must've been so awkward, oh my god, I am so sorry," Minho mumbled while hiding his face from Seungmin, who had just finished telling him about yesterday's embarrassing incident.

They were now sitting side by side on the cushion in the living room, facing each other. They did not mind turning on the light as it was only a little past 4 a.m.

It turned out that Minho had fallen asleep while they were kissing yesterday.

"It's okay," Seungmin scratched his head with a small smile. "You must've been tired from all the work and waiting."

"No..." Minho shook his head, his face still hidden behind both his palms. "I'm sorry for stopping you from going back to your room... And I'm sorry for waking you up."

Seungmin snorted with small laughters.

"Nah... Don't worry 'bout it. I'm glad I stayed."

Minho parted his hands slightly in the middle like a cat peeking from behind a wall.

"You whimper a lot when you sleep, just like yesterday. When I tried to leave after laying you on your bed, you kept frowning and making sounds and — " Seungmin looked around nervously " — I didn't mean anything — but, I held both your hands and hugged you. I'm sorry, but that somehow made you be at peace and you held on my hands so tight I didn't even wanna leave.

"I wonder what was on your mind," Seungmin started focusing back on Minho.

"I really wish your mind is full of joy, and I want to be a part of that happiness. I want you to think of me whenever you're down. I want you to think of me as a source of happiness..." Seungmin sighed with a light smile. "But that'll be weird, right?"

He was going to lower his head when right then, he felt Minho's lips against his. That sudden warm touch on the lips struck him like a lightning without a warning. He stayed still as a rock until Minho pulled back, his face lowered and his eyes focused on everywhere but Seungmin.

"I... I don't think that's weird," he mumbled. Seungmin touched his lips and blinked.

Minho knew there was something else he wanted to say as he closed his eyes tightly. He wished to speak those words out loud, but there were too many options of unspoken what-ifs.

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