Agony dream

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It was almost midnight. Minho was laying in bed with his phone on his hand. He did not know why he could not sleep, so he was staring at the ceiling of his bedroom.

Somehow, his thoughts flew around his mind and he started thinking about his roommate. He wondered if Seungmin was already asleep. He had come back home from work before and saw Seungmin taking a nap in his own bedroom without closing the door, so he helped him close it.

He wondered if Seungmin knew that. He wanted to talk, but he did not have many friends, and that was exactly why he was holding his phone as if waiting for someone to reply to his unsent messages.

He wanted to text Seungmin, but he remembered that he did not have Seungmin's phone number. So, he kept on staring at the ceiling that was now looking very interesting.

As he was counting the 100th sheeps, he suddenly heard a door click. He got up and waited for more sounds, but he was getting disappointed when he was getting no more. Then, he heard a knock on his door.

"Hyung?" he heard Seungmin's low voice from behind his bedroom's door.

Minho went to open his door in a hurry after checking himself in the mirror in a quick glance.

"O-oh, Seungmin? Why?" Minho blinked his eyes in an unhealthy amount of times.

"Hi," Seungmin smiled with his bread cheek. "Sorry to disturb you but I can't sleep, so I was wondering if you want to play some games."

Minho smiled back. "Sounds cool. I'm having trouble to sleep too."

Seungmin sighed in relief and clapped his hands. "So, LOL?"

Minho nodded. "Up to you."

"Do you want to play in the same room or separate?"

Minho looked around. He could see the inside of Seungmin's room from his view and compared to his own room, Seungmin's looked tidier but gloomier.

"I don't know. Do you want to play in the living room? It's been untouched for so long," Minho suggested.

Seungmin nodded. "I'm cool with that. So, lemme just go and take my things."

They both settled down on the big cushion in the living room and smiled to each other. Minho broke the silence after sitting there with his plushies of a pink dwaekki.

"What's your username, Seungmin?"

"Wait," Seungmin bit his upper lip and showed Minho his LOL's profile.

"Woah, you really are in a high rank," Minho exclaimed. He had not been playing the game for almost half a year. His rank had somehow got lower, and he thought it was because of the updates he had ignored before.

"It's okay if your rank is low, I haven't played this game for quite some time too," Seungmin told him while looking at his phone and collecting prizes. And what he said was true because he had been kind of busy working as a barista.

Minho nodded. They started their game and their team won, repeatedly. And the MVP in all games was none other than Kim Seungmin.

"You're really good at this," Minho gasped. He could not even compare himself to the younger boy, seeing how far the difference between their kills were. "You should join the e-sports competition. I think you'd have a chance."

"Come on, I'm not that good," Seungmin replied, expressionless. "Do you want to eat late night snacks, though? I'm kinda hungry."

Minho nodded. "Sure. As you want."

Seungmin got up from his seat to his room and put on his grey hoodie again. He looked like he was going out.

"Where are you going?" Minho asked, confused.

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