Glue sticks

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It was a lie. Minho knew better than anyone else that Seungmin had a habit of being quiet and calm when he was hungry.

The loud boy with brown hair walking in front of him now was not hungry at all, but Minho could not say anything except admiring the pretty boy from afar.

"Why do you walk so slow?" Seungmin turned and yelled at Minho, who was still far behind by steps. "Are you a tortoise? You're a hare, hyung! A HARE!"

Minho giggled at how silly Seungmin sounded. It was not a side of him that was nearly anywhere to be seen.

"Wait for me!" Minho started jogging as Seungmin slowly walked back towards him when all of the sudden, Minho felt his leg miss a step and his heart skip a beat.

Oh no, he thought as his body swung forward. He shut his eyes, ready to face the reality of what seemed like a cold stone floor, but he was caught by broad arms.

He opened his eyes with a feeling of surprised and grateful. He was about to smile until he saw that the person who catched him was not the one with brown hair.

"What the — Minho-hyung?" The cherry pink head pulled Minho up, back to his original feet-on-the-ground position. "What got you running like a child?"

Minho backed away right after settling down his legs.

"I-I'm sorry...thanks, by the way," he said, avoiding the latter's eyes as he started to walk away. However, his wrist was being grabbed all of the sudden.

"Wait, hyung," Minho stopped upon hearing the voice crack. "I know what I did that day was wrong, but I don't want to stop talking with you. Please, can you forgive me?"

Minho turned around, shocked to see Yeonjun with his eyes reddened, looking like he was almost bursting into tears. So, he sighed and said, "Fine, but let go of me. I've got things to do."

Yeonjun smiled almost instantly and did as he was told.

"Thank you, hyung!" he shouted as Minho started running again, heading towards Seungmin, who was facing another side and looking calmer than before. But the problem was that, Minho did not notice the expression on Seungmin's face because if he did, he would have question him why he was making such an unpleasant face.

"Let's go," Minho mumbled and started walking without waiting for Seungmin, to which Seungmin followed him from behind. The walk got so quiet until Minho suddenly felt lost.

"Are we walking into the correct direction?" he turned to Seungmin and realised how awful of a frown was plastered on the taller boy's face.

"Hey," he came closer to Seungmin and stared into the boy's eyes. "Are you okay? Are — are you sick?"

But Seungmin squinted his eyes and did not answer him. Instead, he kept on walking until they both reached a small restaurant. Minho finally found Seungmin acting weird and halted him from entering the heart lifting diner.

"Seungmin-ah," he held the boy's wrist. "What's gotten into you? What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

Since Seungmin kept his eyes on the blank floor, Minho came closer to him and turned his face so that it was facing him completely.

"What's wrong?" he questioned worriedly.

Seungmin frowned with his lips sliding down, looking like he was going to cry in a bit. Minho hated how the dim orange light from the restaurant was pouring on Seungmin's face, making the whole situation look annoying. So, he pulled him to a darker side, not too far from the dining place.

"Why are you suddenly like this?"

After a long pause, Seungmin finally turned to Minho with a very tensed up look.

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