Untitled story

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It was not true. Seungmin shook his head in denial upon seeing Jisung and Minho kissing by the river, which was turning pink and purple, following the lead of the sky.

He looked around him and found himself blocking the road. Cars were honking from every direction.

He wanted to move away but could not. Right then, Felix pulled him to land safely on the sidewalk.

He looked at him, trying to express gratitude, but all he could do was stare. Felix calmed him down and asked, "What were you thinking, Seungmin?"

Seungmin could not reply nor say anything. He stood there in silence, in hope Felix would help him explain what was going on.

However, Felix looked at him with a clearly fake-worried face. Seungmin felt so strange.

Somehow, he got himself out of Felix's grasp and backed away.

"Are you okay?" the blonde head raised his brows.

"I — " Seungmin was shocked that he was finally able to spit out words from his mouth.

"Do you think leaving Lee Know-hyung in the car alone was okay?"

"What?" Seungmin stepped backwards little by little, moving away from Felix.

"Do you think leaving him was a good idea?" Felix continued his strange queries and his voice began to increase that it was scaring Seungmin a bit. "What's your problem? Do you find leaving people fun?"

Seungmin shook his head in confusion.

W-what the heck is he talking about?... he asked himself as he suddenly felt himself bumping into someone from behind.

Seungmin turned around and saw the kissing couple were looking right at him with a smiling face. And Minho said with his voice full of regret, "You shouldn't have left me in the car alone, Seungmin. This is all your fault."

After that, Seungmin shot his eyes opened. His vision was a lot different than just now. It was darker.

He sat up to look around the not-so-unfamiliar room and knew in an instant whose room it was. The standing mirror at the corner of the room behind the door gave it all.

"Iyen?" he asked himself while getting out of bed. "How the heck did I end up in Iyen's bedroom?"

Then, he went to turn on the light and tried to see his face in the mirror — it was puffy, and his hair was still wet.

Did I just get here? he wondered.

Out of the blue, a splash of water from behind causing him to scream. He turned around and saw that the bed he had just laid on was gone and the room had magically transformed into the bus stop near Miyeon's apartment. There were two boys waiting there.

He got closer to them to check who they were, and was extremely shocked when he recognised both the faces were his. He was looking at himself talking with his other self. There were three of him.

What is going on? he thought.

Suddenly, another splash came from the water puddles that had been hit by cars over and over again and the two copies of himself vanished in plain sight. He searched around for them until a voice started ringing in his mind.

Seungmin... Seungmin...

Seungmin stared and tried to recognise the low voice when suddenly his mind went blank and he fell backwards onto the cold floor.

Like a loop, Seungmin opened his eyes once again. This time, he was in his own room.

He got up from the bed and took a peek outside his bedroom's door. Everything seemed normal.

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