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It was very hot. Minho woke up in his own bed, in his own room, sweating. It was 5 in the morning.

He felt his forehead and found a fever relief pad on it that felt a bit warm.

Did I catch a cold?

He thought maybe it was because of the hot and cold weather yesterday, or maybe because he did not get enough sleep, or maybe because he went out late at night for a walk in the cold air the other day.

He saw his air conditioner was not turned on and wondered who had sent him back home. It was impossible for him to be drunk yesterday...or was it not?

He did remember sipping the drink Bang Chan was preparing at the kitchen yesterday, but the effect was not supposed to be very big on him. He believed he was a good drinker. Plus, the drinks he bought yesterday was not even alcoholic.

He searched for his phone and turned it on. It surprised Minho that his phone's battery was full. He did not remember charging his phone nor going home by himself.

The first thing he did was getting up and checking out his outfit. He was still in his boring clothes he wore during the hangout at Bang Chan's house. And he stank. So, he decided to take a bath.

After taking a shower, Minho put on his regular grey shirt and shorts. Then, he walked out of his room. The day was already bright.

He brew his coffee in the kitchen and was having his morning coffee as always, but a soar voice interrupted his mixed thoughts.

"Hyung, you shouldn't be drinking coffee when you're sick. You should give your body time to heal."

Minho turned around and there he saw Seungmin standing in front of the kitchen counter. He was wearing the jogger and white shirt he had worn yesterday.

Did he not bath?

"I'm okay," Minho said as he sipped his coffee, which was still hot and had him choking on it. Seungmin filled a cup of water and handed it to him.

"Be careful," Seungmin said.

Minho swallowed the water in an instant to cool down his throat. "Thanks," he said, and coughed again.

Seungmin watched him suffer from his stupidity and filled more cups of water for him.

"So, how are you feeling? Your body temperature was pretty high yesterday."

Minho nodded.

"I'm okay," he repeated. "But how did you know I was sick? Were you the one who put the fever pad on my — "


"Then you must know who brought me home yesterday — "

"I did."


Minho looked around the room, feeling thankful and overwhelmed over the fact that Seungmin actually did have a soft spot.

"T-thanks," he stuttered.

Failed to look directly into Seungmin's eyes, Minho continued.

"When did the hangout end yesterday? Did anyone ask what happened to me? What about Chan-hyung? Did he ask...?"

Seungmin nodded slowly.

"They were concerned about you. Everyone did. And so did Chan-hyung. He asked me to send you home as soon as he studied you wouldn't wake up yesterday. Rare of you to suddenly fall asleep like that. Guess you must've been very tired."

Minho shrugged. "I think maybe it was because of the weather yesterday?"

Seungmin nodded and suggested. "It could be so. But it could also be that you were sleepy because you were about to get sick."

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