So long

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It was truly unbelievable. Hyunjin snorted right after his call went directly to the voicemail without ringing. He sent a message to the person he intended to even though he knew it had probably no use.

"What is he doing?" Hyunjin asked himself as he shut his phone and began to reopen his cafe. "That's weird."

Felix, who had just come to do his shift, came to him.

"What's weird?"

"Seungmin," the boy looked up to his co-worker with pale lips. He shrugged and sighed, "He said I can call him if I want him to sing, but now his phone's not even ringing. He's not an early sleeper, so that doesn't really make sense."

Felix stopped doing what he was doing and looked down.

"Maybe he's tired."

Hyunjin blinked at him once.

"How would you know that?"

"I was with him earlier," Felix explained. "His house was the last one I visited while giving away my leftover brownies. And then, a fire started inside his house — I fainted — but the fire was gone the moment I woke up."

Hyunjin widened his eyes, "What? Fire?"

"Yeah," Felix smiled faintly and scratched his head. "At the same time, Iyenie got into an accident down the apartment and hurt his head. So, Seungminie, Hannie and I took care of it and waited at the hospital. After that, he was discharged and we walked Hannie home before going to Seungmin's house."

"Han? What was he — What did you — W-what?" Hyunjin stuttered with his mouth left hanging, trying to digest every information.

"And then we played LOL," the silver mullet haired boy resumed with a small laugh. "I think we played for about 2 hours? Yeah, I think it is 2 hours, that Iyen said he saw Seungmin's tired face. So, we left."

Hyunjin frowned and started blinking, finally glad that Felix had stopped talking. He tried to calm himself down, but a problem sounded unsolved to him.

"But...what was Han doing there — I mean, how did he get there?" he asked after a moment of silence.

Felix turned to him with a hesitant and replied, "I heard him telling Seungmin that he was walking by the river when he saw people crowding, so he came over."

Han? Why would he...? Hyunjin thought to himself.

As he was lost in his thoughts thinking about Jisung, he found the time was getting a little nearer to the opening time. So, he brushed his mind away and called for Felix.

But there was no reply.

He turned around to find the waiter, but the result was still the same. Suddenly, he saw Yeonjun carrying a person in a bridal pose from the kitchen, hurrying to him.

"Hyunjin-ah!" The cherry head cried. "Felix..."

Hyunjin looked down at the boy in his arms and stopped breathing at once.



"How is he, doctor?"

"He's good," the doctor said with a smile, his eyes seemed very sleepy behind those rectangular glasses. "It looks like he fainted because of tiredness. Rest is all he needs."

Hyunjin sighed in relief after thanking the doctor who walked away, and turned to Jeongin, Jisung, Changbin and Bang Chan, who did the same thing. All of them then turned to the boy laying on the hospital bed, sleeping tightly.

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