Imagining pictures

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It was another hangout. Bang Chan had invited everyone in the group chat to come to his house, but Seungmin did not know. He did not have his phone back yet.

Seungmin was out of his house to go buy a new phone when suddenly he bumped into someone, again, at the sidewalk by the blinding river.

"I'm sorry," he said, bowing to the person physically, while scolding and kicking his own self, mentally. But the boy's voice made him stand up straight.

"Hyung! I found your phone!" the boy with permed black hair cheered. "I found it right in front of your house's door yesterday night, but I couldn't leave it there so I brought it with me."

Seungmin blinked at him like he had just heard something crazy.

"Seriously?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yes! Look!" Jeongin said, handing Seungmin the phone.

Seungmin took the phone im a hurry after thanking Jeongin with his heart focused on only one thing. He turned the phone on and found the latest call right on top of the Call app — the number of his roommate — a saved contact.

"Why are you in a hurry... 'Sakura'? Isn't he the one from high school you mentioned before?"

Jeongin turned to Seungmin, confused.

"Are you guys still in touch?"

Seungmin suddenly jumped with a broad grin on his face.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I knew it!" he shouted and brought Jeongin along, hopping with him. Jeongin followed like a child following his mother's action and smiled so happily.

"I don't know what you're...cheering about, long as you're happy, I'm...happy, too!" Jeongin chuckled while trying to catch his breath.

And that was how the two of them got scolded by an old lady who was sitting peacefully on a bench beside the river before their arrivals.

Seungmin apologised and brought Jeongin to his house after asking if he had free time. Jeongin said why not.


Back in middle high, Seungmin was just that typical kind of student where all he did for the whole day was study, study and study. Except that, he was the real deal of a genius.

Coming home late was not an option but a must. Getting good grades was all he needed to impress his parents and having done so did make him feel enough.

Until he reached the first year of high school did he develop a new feeling called love.

He was walking by the dark street alone like a stray puppy when a boy on a bike noticed him thus offering him a ride. He figured his name was Yeonjun, a schoolmate, and after some time of Yeonjun flirting with him in between classes and recesses, they finally got together.

He realised that Yeonjun was someone who had set him free from a jail he never knew he was in one. Yeonjun was so kind and loving, but sometimes he acted weirdly and Seungmin could not understand why.

Take an example of the night out at the beach Yeonjun had promised to bring Seungmin to, where instead he left Seungmin waiting by the beach alone in the dark, to which had caused Seungmin to get a really good scolding from his strict father.

At first he did not understand why Yeonjun would break the first promise he had ever made with him, but after considering Yeonjun's reason of 'forgot', Seungmin knew in an instant that he would not fall into promises again.

Screw that one, there was a book event back in the end of his first year. He loved manhwas, and almost everyone in the school knew it. He was popular enough to be getting the attentions from everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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