Nothing important

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It was so boring, Jisung thought to himself as he switched off the television. The movie he had watched just now was not touching at all (according to him).

A firefighter (main lead) had a dilemma to choose between saving his lover or a group of people, where both were trapped in the same fire. And he ended up choosing his lover, like how the movie even made sense and was accepted by the public.

Jisung thought it was so cringe and was definitely a no if to rewatch again.

Having nothing to do already, he got up and checked on his appearance. His puffy round face and clipped faded pink hair, with a grey tee and long black pants.

Feeling nice and confident, he walked out of his house and went to his neighbour's. He unlocked the passcode by himself and walked into the house like it was his own. He called for Changbin, but he did not receive an answer.

Perhaps he isn't home, Jisung thought.

So, he got out of the house with the owner's bike. He rode to the riverside and parked the bike at the parking lot for bikes. He removed the clips in his hair and went to watch the river waving along with the breezy wind.

He sat on the tiny stairs that were meant for the pedestrians to sit on, with his hands cupping his chin, and closed his eyes.

He dreamed of himself swimming in the river, but was able to breathe underwater. He was looking for something in the river, and a fish actually popped up in front of him.

It had some bruises on it. Bruises that looked new, but were already stopped bleeding. He felt bad for it, but he knew, he was not looking for that one.

He swam around and saw another fish popped up. But the fish was not bothered at all. It saw Jisung, and they kept staring at each other for a while before the fish swam away, leaving Jisung alone.

This time, he followed the fish and was surprised to see another fish looking very healthy. He went to touch it and the fish was willingly letting Jisung touch him.

He started frowning when the smell of the river had somehow drifted away into the smell of something familiar.


Jisung opened his eyes and saw the sun was almost gone from his sight. He looked around and found his surrounding blurrier than the usual fogs appearing during the evenings.

He stood up and heard people gathering in front of a building — an apartment. Smokes were coming from a slightly opened window, and he knew exactly whose room that was.

He wanted to run inside the building to see what was going on, but he remembered that he was too scared. So, he pulled out his phone and dialed the first number that appeared on his contact list with the name of 'Seungmin'.

The call rang twice before Seungmin picked it up.

"Hey, Han. What's up?"

"You're not home, are you?" Jisung rapped. "Oh my god, your apartment is on fire. I think Minho-hyung's in there."

"Wait, hyung, where are you?"

"In front of your apartment building!" Jisung screamed a little, his nervous clearly showing out. "I don't go up 'cause I'm scared. Can you hurry up and come here?"

"Okay, I'm on my way."

Seungmin arrived almost 2 minutes later. Behind him, there was Hyunjin, panting with the wettest hair ever.

"You guys stay here," Seungmin told the other 2 boys as he ran, heading towards the staircase.

"Wait, Seungmin-ah! Let me help — "

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