No chance

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It was only Thursday. Bang Chan was still supposed to be at his hometown for another 2 days with Changbin. So, seeing both the boys in front of Minho's and Seungmin's apartment had Seungmin frowning.

Bang Chan came running as soon as Seungmin opened the door for them. "Oh my god, how are you, Minho-yah?"

It had been 3 days since the accident.

"I've heard everything from Hyunjinie. Are you okay, Minho?" Bang Chan blabbered as he went to Minho, who was standing in the hallway, clearly being woken up from sleep. It was understandable since he had only got the news yesterday when he was at his hometown, collecting his old laptop.

Changbin came calmly inside with his hands at his back and looked around. "It's nice in here."

It was his first time entering the apartment room, and he was surprised to not seeing any mark of burning or fire. Seungmin noticed that and patted the shorter boy's head.

"Lee Know-hyung and I cleaned it. Don't worry," Seungmin said, smiling.

Changbin side eyed him as if questioning 'Who asked?'.

"Why didn't any of you tell me when it happened?" Bang Chan asked, sitting beside Minho, who had brought him to the unofficial dining room and holding his hands, but his eyes pointing towards Seungmin, who shrugged.

"It's only been 3 days, hyung," Minho answered instead. "I'm okay. The others came visit me and Seungmin was taking great care of me."

Seungmin, who was closing the door silently, halted at the words 'great care'. He swore it was not as great as other people might think, and thinking about 2 days ago had him giggling inside.


"Seungmin-ah," Minho called for Seungmin while they were walking together by the river, heading home after Minho had been discharged from the hospital. "Thanks for staying with me," he said with a small smile.

Aware of not getting a reply from Seungmin, Minho continued, "So, what's going to happen with the kitchen? Is it still usable?"

"Sadly, no," Seungmin sighed. "It may take a bit of time to repair the whole kitchen. And we surely need new paint for that."

Minho hesitated. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have gone away like that. I didn't know why I was so forgetful then."

"'Cause you're tired," Seungmin said, his voice sounded regretful. "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let you stay up late yesterday. That way, you wouldn't have been tired at all. Blame me, hyung."

Minho patted Seungmin's shoulder and had the younger flinch. "It's not your fault," he said. "Hmm...maybe it's neither our fault. Let's say that unlucky things happen in the most random times."

Seungmin, still trying to settle down from Minho's patting, nodded. "I can't disagree with that."

They walked in silence and reached their apartment with lots of sigh.

"I should pay for the redress, then?" Minho asked as he walked into their shared apartment room, but Seungmin waved his hand.

"Don't worry about that. I've taken care of that for you."

"What?" Minho blinked at Seungmin as he walked over to the dark kitchen. "You paid for it?"

Seungmin nodded.

"No, no," Minho frowned. "Let me pay you later. Just tell me how much it was."

"No, don't worry about it, hyu-"

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