Slowly drowning

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It was already afternoon. Seungmin walked out of his room and sat in the small dining room, which was not an official dining room, but only chairs with the kitchen counter.

It was the end of the week, and his cafe with Miyeon was not opened. He had to stay at home, fully aware of Minho's absence. He needed a job so bad to continue paying for the rent, and he stressed himself out just to find a job that fit him perfectly.

He got a job for the delivery, but he did not own any vehicle, never mind the fact that he did not even have a license. So, he rejected it.

Then, he saw a job of walking the dogs. And he loved dogs, but then he thought teenagers would suit the job better. He skipped the cleaning house advertisement and felt bad for his mother because as the son of a cleaner, he knew the job was very hard to deal with.

After hunting for a job for a good 2 hours, he stopped scrolling the internet and tried to think with an open mind. He did not like dealing with nasty customers, and he did not want to move a lot. He loved making coffees, but there was not many cafes in the town. He wanted to do something that tickled his interest and just then, he remembered something.

He went to his room and turned to the abandoned corner — there sat his old untouched guitar, given by his ex just a few years ago. He took the guitar out of its bag and admired it.

It was the first guitar he had ever laid his hands on, and the first ever to belong to his own. And his ex was very cool about the guitar, giving it to Seungmin as a present of goodbye. Seungmin still remembered how happy they were when Seungmin sang a song for him and watched him clapped and cheered happily for him. Those memories were worth crying.

Seungmin wiped the pearls of tears off his face and sighed. He could not think of anything else except for trying out the guitar once again.

He was surprised to see his fingers settled on the guitar strings by themselves. And he started playing and singing his favourite song.

Seungmin sighed and smiled to himself. He was sure of what to do with his free time after his work next time.

He put the guitar away carefully, and slid back to the chair in the unofficial dining room. He opened his Kakao Talk app and saw text messages from some contacts, but ignored them all and opened the contact named 'Han'.

'hey hyung i was wondering if u could borrow me some equipments for singing'

Seungmin sent the text, put his phone away and hummed a song he knew too well he should not be singing anywhere else out loud unless for special purposes, or maybe he should even not be humming the song at all. He slid into his bedroom with his humming and laid on his bed.

In no time, he fell asleep, aware of the widely opened door of his bedroom. He bored his eyes lazily towards the door and he swore he had closed the door in his head before swifting to the dreamland that made him choose between a castle of puppies and a secret room door that Seungmin had no interest to know what was in there.


"Hello?" Seungmin said with his raspy voice as he had just being woken up to his ringing phone. His room was so dark and he saw the glowing clock in his room showing nearly 5:30 p.m.

"Hey, hyung. Were you sleeping? Did I wake you up?" Jeongin's voice was heard through the phone, sounding sorry, but Seungmin shook his head. "No, no. It's okay. Why do you call me?"

"Oh yeah," Jeongin clicked his fingers. "Did you read the group chat? Hannie-hyung's missing."

Seungmin did not reply for a while so Jeongin called for him.

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