A Visit from the Headmaster

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Hadria woke the next morning feeling foggy headed

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Hadria woke the next morning feeling foggy headed. She suddenly remembered the strange dream she had. She looks around. She's in the hospital wing. She is wearing her regular clothes...not the...thing...

"Good morning Hadria."
Dumbledore was sitting in a chair next to her. She blinked a few times making sure she was in fact not in a dream again. It certainly felt normal...as normal as reality can feel after everything she has endured the last 24 hours.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. Hadria laid back on the fluffy pillow. Should she tell him about her strange dream? She blushed remembering how her body had betrayed her when Voldemort had...touched her...why did he do that? Was it just some sort of strange stress dream? More importantly...why had she felt only fear and desire when she should have been repulsed?!

What the hell is wrong with me...

"I'm...feeling a bit better now....thank you." She said with a solemn tone remembering Cedric again. She decided to keep the dream to herself for the time being. She didn't know why...was she...ashamed? Embarrassed? Would he think her crazy?

Dumbledore nodded with a little smile. He stood and walked over to a window looking out.

"The ministry is in complete denial that Voldemort is back...they're refusing to take any action at this point...but not to worry Hadria...we will endure. The school will remain open and the students will be safe here."

"Denial? How can they possibly be in denial?!" She asked angrily. Dumbledore sighed and turned back to her peering over his glasses.

"Fear...mostly...They don't wish to return to the dark times we all experienced. Voldemort's return means fear and war and suffering. They also like to maintain the illusion that they're in control. The Ministry has a vested interest in pretending that Voldemort has not returned, even though the evidence is clear to us. They are hoping that denying the facts will make them disappear."

Hadria sat up all the way and rubbed her temples. She was angry.

"And Cedric's death was...."

"An unfortunate accident...or so the papers will say. That will be their official stance. As I said, Hadria, try not to worry too much. I have many people working on this behind the scenes...what I need you to do, is rest."

He set another potion on the nightstand.

"Another gift from Severus...your friends will be by tomorrow. Take the potion Hadria."

She tried to swallow her emotions and looked at the potion as her tears began to fall.

"I deserve to suffer...I'm the one who told Cedric to grab the cup with me...it should have been just me there."

And then I let him fucking arouse me...

Dumbledore sat on the edge of her bed then and put a hand on her shoulder.

"That way of thinking can lead down a very dark path of bitterness and self destruction. Do not blame yourself for what was beyond your control. Cedric's death lies on Voldemorts shoulders alone."

Dumbledore handed her the potion.


She picked up the potion and drank it down. She laid back against the soft pillow. Soon after she was asleep once again.

Darkness...can't see anything...just feeling... hands...softly rubbing through her hair...down her back...so comforting...so tender...slipping around her belly...soft caresses...she feels a hot breath on her shoulder...tender kisses trace down her neck.

So beautiful...my little witch...
She feels teeth on her shoulder. Biting her...hard....harder....seering pain....

No!...Stop...Please, it hurts!
She suddenly wakes as she hears one word...one ghostly whisper still ringing in her ear...


The Darkness Within: Voldemort/Hadria PotterWhere stories live. Discover now