Nox Amor

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Hadria quivered with anticipation as she sensed his presence draw near, the room enveloped in an inky darkness that heightened her senses. The absence of light made every touch, every whisper, feel more intense, more was his desire, his twisted game that fueled her excitement.

His voice, a sinister whisper in the silent room, shattered the stillness.

"That's it, sweet girl," he rasped, his words like a dark incantation. "Spread your legs for me."

Hadria, his obedient, devoted little witch, lay naked beneath him. A nervous thrill raced through her as she moistened her lips, feeling the hot breath of the Dark Lord tickling her neck like a forbidden caress.

"Yes, my lord," she replied softly, her voice a breathless surrender, parting her legs even wider at his command. And then, in a sudden rush of sensation, he plunged into her, eliciting a gasp that caught in her throat as she arched her back in pleasure.

He groaned with primal satisfaction as he delved deep into her quivering core, the slick heat of her arousal enveloping him.

"Oh, my beautiful, sweet girl," he growled, his words a dark hymn of possession and desire that echoed in the dark corners of the room.

She trembled as his long spider like fingers wrapped around her delicate ankle caressing the skin there with his thumb before trailing teasingly along her skin with a tantalizing touch that sent shivers down her spine. His grip tightened on her hip, a possessive hold that only served to heighten the intensity as he thrust into her once more, a grunt escaping his lips.

With a tenderness that belied his dark nature, he pressed his lips to hers in a soft kiss, their breath mingling in a heady exchange of desire. Hadria couldn't help but moan against his mouth, her surrender complete as his commanding presence consumed her.

"Is this what you wanted, darling?" His voice, a seductive murmur against her lips, sent a rush of heat through her veins as he began to move his hips with a slow, deliberate rhythm, each thrust a blend of pleasure and pain that left her gasping for breath. The gentle cadence of his movements was a stark contrast to the raw passion that burned between them, a dance of dominance and submission that bound them together in a twisted embrace of ecstasy.

"Yes...I crave you, Voldemort," she whimpered between his soft kisses, her voice betraying a mixture of desire and submission. A soft, contented hum escaped his lips in response to her confession.

"Oh, I know you do, sweet girl," he purred, his voice a seductive caress against her skin. "I know you can't resist your Dark Lord's cock buried deep inside you... always so eager, so wet for me." His words, laced with a husky edge, sent a thrill of anticipation coursing through her veins as he moved quicker.

His fingers, tender and reassuring, continued their exploration through her hair, sending a shiver of pleasure down her spine as they traced intricate patterns against her skin. The contrast between his gentle touch and the possessive grip on her breast heightened her senses, each sensation merging into a blend of pleasure and pain that consumed her.

"I'll never get enough...I dream of it," she confessed, her words a breathless murmur that lingered in the air like a whispered secret, adding to the intoxicating atmosphere that surrounded them.

He chuckled, a deep and primal sound that reverberated through the room, as he quickened his pace, driving her closer to her peak with each powerful thrust.

"That's a good girl..." he groaned in a labored breath full of dominance and desire that echoed in the darkness. "Take it...oh yes sweet take it so well."

As he moved faster, his grip tightened on her hair, pulling her closer to him in a possessive embrace, his rough kisses matching the urgency of his movements as he plunged into her with increasing speed.

"Oh're gonna make me come," she whimpered against his lips, her voice a desperate plea that mingled with his ragged breaths. He sat back on his knees, his hands wrapping around her thighs with a possessive hold, his movements growing more frantic as he drove her closer to the brink of ecstasy.

"Good girl, yes darling..." he growled in a hoarse voice, his pace relentless as he slammed into her with lightning speed. She began to pant and whimper, her body trembling on the edge of release.

"Come for me, sweet girl," he commanded, his voice a primal growl that spurred her towards a crescendo of pleasure.

Hadria's breath hitched as she felt the scorching heat reaching its peak within her, culminating in an explosive release as she whined breathlessly. The force of it left her trembling in his embrace. Voldemort closed his eyes, savoring the warmth that enveloped him inside of her.

"Oh yes, sweet girl...that's it..." he murmured, leaning over her and capturing her lips in a fervent kiss as he continued his movements, drawing closer to his own climax.

"I...I want to taste you again..." she whimpered between kisses.

"Is that what you desire, darling? Do you want me to come in your beautiful little mouth?" he purred, his voice sending shivers down her spine.

"Yes, please," she whispered eagerly. He groaned as he quickened his pace, nearing the peak of ecstasy. With a deliberate motion, he withdrew from her and knelt over her face. She wasted no time in taking him eagerly into her mouth, her lips and tongue working in tandem to please him.

As Voldemort felt the powerful surge of ecstasy building within him, he could barely contain himself.

"Oh, gods..." he gasped in a voice filled with desire, his body trembling with pleasure. As he released into her waiting mouth, he savored the sensation of her soft lips and the eagerness with which she accepted him. A deep groan of pleasure escaped him.

Hadria reveled in the taste of him, savoring the unique blend of salt, musk, and something otherworldly that left her craving more. As she felt it hit the back of her throat, she instinctively took him deeper, swallowing him as if his thick essence was a precious elixir.

"That's it...such a good girl..." Voldemort's voice was thick and trembled with pleasure as he spoke. As she finally released him, he lay next to her and pulled her to him, drawing her close as he kissed her with slow, tender intensity. Their breaths intertwined, gradually slowing as they basked in the intimacy of their shared moment.

As he lay there, feeling relaxed and peaceful in the darkness with his witch at his side, Voldemort reflected on the events that had unfolded. He had strengthened his numbers once again by releasing his loyal Death Eaters, and his work in the background to gain the loyalty of others was well underway. Wizards, giants, centaurs, vampires and even the werewolves...he had been hard at work in the background making connections and negotiating alliances.

He wouldn't admit it openly, but the rules he had put in place due to his agreement with Hadria had ultimately played to his benefit. Many who had been hesitant before had become easier to sway to his side, knowing they would not be essentially committing genocide against Muggle-borns and would take efforts to avoid casualties. It had opened his eyes to how easily others could be manipulated further through the art of diplomacy.

Perhaps the little witch would play a bigger part in the politics of this new world. He may not care for those they stepped on as they climbed to the top, but he could see the value in at least pretending to, to some extent. His charm had worked wonders in the past...even the Grey Lady had succumbed to it, rewarding him with the Ravenclaw diadem.

He relished the twisted games of manipulation he played. The one singular thing in his life that went against everything in his dark nature was the beautiful goddess in his arms. But even she had become a strength. The little minx had clawed her way into his soul and opened his eyes to a world of potential he had never considered.

As he held her close, he knew that their union was more than was a merging of power, desire, and destiny. And in the quiet of the night, he vowed to protect her, even if it meant defying his own nature. For Hadria was not just his companion; she was the key to a future he had yet to fully comprehend.

He wondered even now what secrets lie within her...he stroked the velvet soft skin of her belly as he listened to her quiet breaths of slumber. He kissed her temple and pulled her closer wrapping a hand protectively around her lean stomach. A smile spread across his face as he dreamt of the possibilities.


The Darkness Within: Voldemort/Hadria PotterWhere stories live. Discover now