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Hadria's days blurred into a monotonous haze. Silence hung over her like a shroud, and the absence of messages from Voldemort or anyone at Hogwarts gnawed at her nerves. Even Hedwig, her loyal snowy owl, seemed to carry a weight on her wings as she delivered the Daily Prophet each morning.

Two days after that haunting nightmare, an article caught Hadria's attention. The headline sent a chill down her spine, and she read the words with growing unease:

Former Minister Found Murdered"After an anonymous source tipped off the Daily Prophet's reporters this afternoon, the body of the former Minister of Magic, Millicent Bagnold, was discovered in her home deceased

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Former Minister Found Murdered
"After an anonymous source tipped off the Daily Prophet's reporters this afternoon, the body of the former Minister of Magic, Millicent Bagnold, was discovered in her home deceased. Authorities have not yet confirmed a cause of death but the scene was said to have been brutal. The Daily Prophet's reporters have already started a thorough investigation into this horrific incident, and will continue to provide updates as this story develops."

Hadria laid the paper down and rubbed her temples. So it was true...Voldemort had killed a retired was all too much to be a coincidence...But why? She tried to think back on had said something...

"Thought I'd taken your...dirty little secret to the grave."

What on earth was he talking about?

She wanted to talk to him and find out. But to do so would reveal that she had essentially connected with him on a level she wasn't sure he would appreciate. She was certain he wouldn't have meant for her to see what he had done. But to not tell him also had its risks...if he found out on his own that she had been hiding this...

She didn't know who to trust anymore. Voldemort clearly believed he had reason to kill this was no secret that most of his reasons weren't exactly the good kind. And based on what the woman had said before she died...Dumbledore must know something too. Why did he obliviate a minister of all people on her knowledge of the prophecy? Was there really more to the prophecy than even she knew? Hadria's mind spun, caught in a web of half-truths and veiled intentions.

Why hasn't anyone told me the full prophecy?!

Hadria sat in her dimly lit room, the quill poised above the parchment. Her heartbeat echoed in the silence...a rhythm of uncertainty and longing. The words she was about to write held weight, a bridge between worlds.

"Can I see you?"

The ink dried, and she folded the parchment, sealing her plea with a wax stamp. Hedwig, her faithful companion, perched on the windowsill, feathers ruffled. Hadria pressed the note into the owl's talons, whispering her instructions.

"Take this to Voldemort," she murmured. "Find him, wherever he hides."

Hedwig's eyes bore into hers, as if understanding the gravity of the task. She spread her wings and soared into the sky, carrying Hadria's message across the veil of secrecy.

The Darkness Within: Voldemort/Hadria PotterWhere stories live. Discover now