Elixir of Hope

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Hermione made her way down to the basement of Severus's home. The stairs creaked beneath her as she carried the two cups of coffee with her and made her way into Severus's work area, a cavernous space, where shadows clung to the corners like cobwebs. The air was thick with the musky scent of earth and the sharp tang of various potion ingredients. Shelves line the walls, cluttered with jars of potions, dried herbs, and powders that glitter ominously in the dim light. The center of the room is dominated by a vast, wooden workbench, its surface stained with the residue of countless concoctions. Above it, a single, flickering oil lamp hangs casting a warm, but feeble glow, barely illuminating the ancient tomes and scrolls scattered about, their pages yellowed with age.

A small cauldron sits atop a cast iron table top stand with a bunsen burner beneath it. The stone floor is cool and slightly damp underfoot, worn smooth by years of pacing. The air is occasionally pierced by the soft clink of glass vials as Severus meticulously selects each ingredient, his movements precise and deliberate. He looked much more comfortable in his trousers and white button up shirt with his sleeves rolled up.

The atmosphere is one of intense concentration, a silent testament to the art of his passion and refuge. It's a place that feels suspended in time, a hidden sanctum where the line between science and magic blurs into obscurity.

Hermione approached, her expression etched with concern, and placed his coffee beside him.

"I can't believe she's just gone...I'm so worried about her...why didn't you tell me sooner?" Hermione's voice was a soft whisper, laden with anxiety.

Severus paused, turning to her with a gesture of tenderness, his hand cradling her cheek.

"I apologize sweetheart, but I didn't want it to interrupt your studies today. I know I'm asking too much, but try to find comfort in the knowledge that she is in a safe place. She would be in more peril if she were here. Her presence would only invite danger, especially with Voldemort's current unpredictability. I'm not so certain what he would do if he were to find out she's with child," he consoled her, his thumb caressing her skin as he continued.

"Voldemort tortured and executed the former minister this morning...something he would not have done if she were here," he murmured before returning his attention to the potion. Hermione, though still troubled, acknowledged the wisdom in his words.

Severus introduced a bundle of liquorice root and a drop of a dark green liquid from a smaller vial into the brew.

"Extract of Gurdyroot?" she asked. He affirmed with a nod, his smile a blend of affection and pride as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Very good, my astute little Gryffindor," he praised, his voice tinged with admiration. Eager to challenge her further, he queried "And what colors are we waiting for here?"

After a moment's contemplation, Hermione responded, "Well, you only added one bundle of liquorice root just now...which means you must have already added the castor oil. So it will turn purple then red after a bit of simmering...then you'll add more of the extract until it turns green."

Severus's smirk widened, impressed by his little witches potion mastery. He encircled her neck with his arm, drawing her close, their lips meeting in a tender kiss. Hermione's arms wrapped around him, their embrace a mutual solace amidst the brewing storm. He ran his hands through her hair and kissed her on the forehead before he turned back to the potion but kept an arm around her.

He continued to brew mostly in silence after that, both of them deep in thought about Voldemort and Hadria. Everything had been so relatively peaceful before his affections had suddenly shifted from her to Bellatrix. Now no one knew what to expect, but the murder of the former minister wasn't a good sign.

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