Scroll Magic

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Hadria's days within the healer's abode had woven a tapestry of solace and introspection, a stark contrast to the tumultuous world beyond its walls. The swamp, once a place of foreboding, had become a sanctuary where she aided Marjorie in harvesting the natural bounty of plants and herbs. The discovery of a greenhouse, a verdant jewel trailing from the kitchen, had been a revelation, a hidden trove of life amidst the murk.

As she toiled, her thoughts often wandered to him, to Voldemort, whose transformation gnawed at the edges of her understanding. There was a depth to his change that she could not fathom, a puzzle that beckoned her weary mind.

It was on such a day, as she delved into a book from Marjorie's library about ancient magic, that the old woman approached with an unexpected missive. "I received an OWL from a friend of yours," she announced, her voice a gentle intrusion into the quietude.

Hadria's heart leapt, the book forgotten as she reached for the note.

"Narcissa..." she breathed.

"Is she someone you trust?" Marjorie's inquiry was pointed, seeking the truth beneath the surface.

With a nod, Hadria affirmed her faith in Narcissa, a bond unmarred by the shadows that clung to her sister Bellatrix. "Yes I do actually...she is Bellatrix's sister but they're nothing alike," Hadria clarified, her words painting a portrait of loyalty untainted by the darkness of her kin.

Marjorie considered this, her wisdom weighing the risks and merits. "I'll grant her entry to the floo to come alone," she decided, her voice carrying the finality of a verdict reached.

"Thank you, Ms. Batts," Hadria expressed, gratitude warming her voice as the healer departed. Most of the time the two shared a companionable silence. She sensed the woman had secrets of her own and didn't wish to pry to much or have her presence become an irritation. She had thought a few times to ask about the odd animals out in the swamp but she decided against it. Not everything needed an answer... not just yet anyway.


The hearth's emerald glow heralded an arrival, and Hadria rose from the couch, her heart aflutter with anticipation. As the fireplace expanded, Narcissa emerged from the verdant flames, her expression one of utter astonishment upon seeing Hadria.

"Hadria!" she exclaimed, rushing forward to envelop her in an embrace that spoke volumes of relief and maternal concern. "Are you alright? Thank Merlin you're safe!"

Hadria's smile was a small beacon in the dim room. "Yes, Narcissa, I'm fine... I've been here with Ms. Batts," she replied, nodding towards the kitchen where the healer stood, her silhouette framed by the counter's edge.

"Good evening, Mrs. Malfoy," Marjorie greeted with a nod.

Narcissa's gratitude was palpable as she thanked Marjorie for sheltering Hadria. "We've been so worried about you since you disappeared," she said, her voice tinged with the residual fear of those frantic days. She guided Hadria back to the couch, urgency etched in her every word. "Hadria... we must talk."

"Please Ms. Batts if you have a moment to spare, there was a reason I came to seek your assistance," Narcissa said. Marjorie ambled into the room and sat down at another couch across from them.

"Alright, Hadria I know what you think happened but you have to know that Voldemort is most assuredly bewitched by my sister," she started and already Hadria had an uncomfortable suspicious look.

"Do you really think so?" Hadria questioned, the possibility a sliver of hope amidst her turmoil.

Narcissa's nod was firm.

The Darkness Within: Voldemort/Hadria PotterWhere stories live. Discover now