Marked As Equals

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The grand dining hall of Malfoy Manor lay shrouded in an eerie afternoon light. The air, thick with anticipation. The long, polished table awaited its guests...the Death Eaters, loyal to the Dark Lord. As they filed into the dining hall for the meeting Hadria was leaned into Voldemort's side, he wore a subtle smile as she whispered to him. His eyes followed the procession of those entering as he grazed her cheek with the back of his long pale fingers, the touch both possessive and tender. He turned to her, kissing her gently and whispered back to her.

Bellatrix took a seat further down the table to avoid having to look at them

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Bellatrix took a seat further down the table to avoid having to look at them. Voldemort noticed the way she had distanced herself.

He chuckled, low and amused. Her behavior around the manor since she'd returned had been peculiar. He'd half expected her to try to seek him out but she'd actually remained rather aloof seemingly avoiding him. He suspected she was up to something knowing how her vindictive mind works. However, there were more important things to worry about than the petty jealousy brewing in the scorned witch.

Severus, entered next, his hand resting possessively on the small of Hermione's back. Hadria smiled at Hermione, a silent welcome to her friend. She respected her courage as she returned the smile, her eyes gleamed with curiosity and trepidation.

Bellatrix, ever the viper, snarled as Hermione passed. Her disdain was palpable. Severus shot her a warning glance.

"Mind your manners, Bellatrix," Severus muttered, his voice a silk-edged blade. He took the seat closest to unspoken seat of power. Hermione settled beside him, her fingers tracing the edge of the table. Severus patted her leg in a comforting manner discreetly to calm the nerves he knew she was hiding.

Hadria noticed that Draco was also present sitting next to his father. She had seen him a few times around the manor but he spent alot of his time with his girlfriend, Astoria. She knew he also did tasks for Voldemort at times as well. Draco noticed her look his way and gave her a subtle nod. Since coming to their side Draco had regarded her with much more respect than he had in the past. She wasn't sure if it was genuine reverence or simply fear of the Dark Lord...perhaps both.

Voldemort smiled a bit looking at the full table, the room growing silent as they waited his command.

"My friends," Voldemort's voice slithered through the room like a serpent, "we have much to discuss today." His gaze lingered on the potions master. "But first, I'm to understand...Severus has a bit of good news for us."

Severus inclined his head, his black eyes devoid of emotion. "Indeed, my lord," he began, addressing the room in his usual detached tone.

"Dumbledore attempted to collect an artifact from the old Gaunt home...a relic cursed by our master himself. The old wizard now suffers in a weakened state. The curse festers in his hand and is spreading. He sought my assistance, and I obliged. I slowed its progression, but ultimately..." Severus paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle. "He will perish from this curse. Perhaps months remain."

The Darkness Within: Voldemort/Hadria PotterWhere stories live. Discover now