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In the quiet sanctuary of Severus's bedroom, he lay tangled in the sheets, Hermione nestled against him. The morning sun tiptoed through the threadbare curtains, casting a warm glow upon their entwined forms.

Severus's fingers traced the contours of her back, the delicate curve of her spine as if her skin was a canvas of secrets. He marveled at the softness of her, the way her breaths synced with his, as if they were two halves of a forbidden whole.

The night before lingered in his mind...the taste of her lips like a clandestine potion, brewed in the shadows, its potency intoxicating. He had never imagined a life under Voldemort could coexist with such tenderness, but Hermione defied all expectations.

As they lay there, the world outside ceased to exist. The war, the Dark Lord's machinations...they were distant echoes. Instead, Severus focused on the rise and fall of her chest, the rhythm of her heartbeat against his palm. She was both sanctuary and temptation, a paradox he couldn't resist.

They had cooked together, the scent of spices and shared laughter filling the small kitchen. Hermione's eyes sparkled as she recounted tales of her Muggle upbringing, of books and science experiments, of dreams that transcended the castle walls. He listened, enraptured, as if her words held the key to a future he dared not imagine.

He shifted, pulling Hermione closer. Her eyelashes fluttered, and she nestled into his embrace, her breath warm against his chest. He buried his nose in her hair, a cascade of silky strands that tickled his cheek as he inhaled the fragrance deeply. His arms encircled her, drawing her close as if he could shield her from the chaos of the outside world. As he ran his hands down her smooth body, he couldn't help but feel a familiar stir within him, memories of their passionate encounter from the day before flooding his mind.

Hermione stirred as she felt his warm kisses on her neck and his fiery touch against her skin. She groaned softly, pressing her body back against his, the undeniable hardness of his arousal pressing against her.

"Good morning, sweetheart," his deep, husky voice whispered against her ear.

"Good morning," she replied playfully, turning to look over her shoulder as she pressed herself against him once more.

Severus groaned, pulling her even closer as he nibbled on her earlobe.

"You have no idea the effect you have on me, witch," he murmured softly, his hands exploring her body with a gentle touch. A soft whimper escaped her lips as she trembled under his caress.

The intimate moment was suddenly interrupted by the entrance of a ghostly blue phoenix into the room. Severus's eyes widened in surprise, and he instinctively threw the blankets over Hermione, although it made no difference. It was only a patronus - Dumbledore's patronus.

"Severus, I require a moment of your time when you're able to return to Hogwarts," the Phoenix spoke in Dumbledore's distinctive voice, delivering the message before vanishing with a graceful flight back through the wall.

Severus gritted his teeth as he pulled the blankets off Hermione's head. "He does have impeccable timing," he muttered irritably as he pushed the covers off himself and rose from the bed, grumbling as he made his way to the bathroom. Hermione couldn't help but cover her mouth to stifle a giggle.

A few minutes later, Severus returned and sat on the edge of the bed next to Hermione, gently caressing her face as he spoke softly.

The Darkness Within: Voldemort/Hadria PotterWhere stories live. Discover now