Dark Desires

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Voldemort had been initially irritated that anyone dared to encroach on this peaceful moment he had been enjoying. However, when he saw Severus his annoyance faded a bit. He had been expecting the Potions Master to make an appearance soon.

Voldemort tilted his head, blue eyes narrowing, when he noticed a witch behind him shyly clinging to his robes and avoiding coming out from behind him. He had requested when Severus returned that he bring his little mudblood companion, Hermione.

"Severus," Voldemort addressed his faithful servant, "I see you've returned...I knew you would not fail me in this task." He stood, robes cascading like liquid night. "Let us see your little witch then."

"Come girl, present yourself to the Dark Lord and pay your respect for his mercy on you."
Severus spoke in his normal emotionless detached voice. Voldemort's eyes creased and his lip curled in appreciation.

Hadria, still seated, watched on not knowing who was with the Potions Master. Hermione stepped out from behind Severus, eyes downcast, her demeanor a blend of reverence and trepidation. Hadria's heart leaped, recognizing the familiar face.

"Hermione!" she exclaimed, rising to her feet. The smile she offered was genuine, a reunion tinged with relief. She had missed her friend dearly, though the circumstances were far from ordinary.

Hermione dared to look up, her gaze meeting Hadria's. A small smile curved her lips before she shifted her attention to Voldemort. The Dark Lord watched her, assessing the tremor in her frame. She performed a polite bow, her voice meek yet rehearsed.

"Thank you, my lord, for the mercy you have shown me," Hermione said. "I seek only to serve you and provide companionship to Severus." The words were scripted, a dance they had choreographed.

Hadria's heart raced...a tempest of conflicting impulses. Hermione stood there, vulnerable yet resilient, and Hadria wanted to run to her, throw her arms around her friend. But the garden held it's breath, and Voldemort's presence loomed...an unpredictable force that could shatter their fragile equilibrium.

The Dark Lord approached Hermione, he tipped her chin up to him, his gaze dissecting her. His face...etched with disdain...betrayed nothing, yet Hadria sensed the currents beneath. She had learned caution in his presence, a dance of survival. So she hesitated, caught delicately between loyalty and trepidation.

"She is quite lovely for a mudblood, Severus," Voldemort remarked. The mischievous grin...the glint in his eyes...hinted at darker intentions. "I presume she satisfies your needs well?"

Severus nodded, his mask firmly in place. "She does, my lord," he drawled. "And she is quite talented for such a young witch."

The Dark Lord leaned closer, and Hadria held her breath. He pressed into Hermione's mind...an intrusion that made her flinch. But Severus had prepared her, weaving fictitious memories into her consciousness. A web of intimacy, a lie they both upheld.

Voldemort's search revealed a memory of Severus bending the girl over a small table in the potions supply closet lifting her skirt, teeth raking across his bottom lip in anticipation, he pulled down her panties.

"Be still girl." Severus a calm but stern command as he worked on his belt and unzipped his pants. He relieved his hard cock from its restrictive confines and wasted no time in sliding into her from behind. The little witch's breath hitched and she moaned as Severus began fucking her, grabbing her hair and groaning as he pressed into her.

The Darkness Within: Voldemort/Hadria PotterWhere stories live. Discover now