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Hadria's footsteps echoed through the quiet street, her heart still racing from the encounter with the Dementors. Voldemort...more enigma than man...had saved her. The kiss, a desperate defiance against the soul-sucking abyss, lingered on her lips. He was evil, yes, but also something intricate tapestry of darkness and hidden threads.

Was she the first to glimpse his complexity? Impossible. The man had existed for what...sixty years, perhaps more? Yet, his face betrayed nothing. No wrinkles etched the mask of his existence.

I kissed an old man...

She shook her head.

And I fucking liked it...

She walked into the house and the Dudley's looked up from their meal.

"Where have you been girl? You should have been back a half hour ago!" Vernon said annoyed. He had sent her to the post office to drop some larger packages off earlier than evening into the drop box. She had gotten there fine. It was the walk back when she suddenly found herself in darkness coming face to face with the dementors.

"Yeah, sorry. I guess my head was in the clouds thinking about school. I took a wrong turn..."

The lie about taking a wrong turn hung between her and the Dursleys, but she couldn't muster a better excuse.

She stepped into the kitchen, where Petunia's culinary efforts lay diminished.

"Your share's on the stove," Vernon muttered, his appetite voracious as ever. Dudley, a mirror image of his father, had already devoured two portions. The remnants of a salisbury steak, a few green beans, and a meager scoop of mashed potatoes awaited her. Hadria poured herself a glass of milk, the liquid a feeble attempt to quell her hunger. The Dementors' presence had left her ravenous.

Seated at the table, she glanced at the Dursleys. Their eyes were glued to the muggle news, oblivious to her near-death experience.

Dudley's gaze, however, lingered elsewhere...on her chest. She rolled her eyes, exasperated. It wasn't the first time she'd caught him looking. Two years ago, she'd noticed the shift—a subtle change in Dudley. Not kindness, but a fraction less cruelty. A mystery wrapped in teenage awkwardness.

Disgusting pervert....

She was thankful when he finally looked back at the television. She started thinking what she should do, if anything, about her current situation. Part of her was starting to feel a way that she knew she shouldn't...concern for him. If Dumbledore...or whoever else is working with him...succeeds in taking him down...she begins to have doubts about her feelings on it. She doesn't want him to hurt anyone...but she also finds...she no longer wants to see him hurt. It makes her begin to question her own sanity and moral compass but she can't deny her...was she really admitting this to herself now?

I have feelings for Voldemort...

Despite her grumbling belly she is so lost in thought that she didn't realize how she was only picking at her food until Petunia cleared her throat and raised her eyebrow at her in a questioning way...a kind gesture in hindsight...if Vernon had caught her so lost in thought ignoring her meal he might have picked it up from her and sent her to bed.

Hadria shook off her thoughts for now and finished the meal before she headed up to her room. She put on the silk green pajamas and slipped into bed. She couldn't stop thinking about that damn kiss...not just tonite but the one from the night before as well. Who would ever have expected that the Dark Lord could be so...passionate?

She wanted to write to her friends about all this...but she knew she couldn't. Not only would they think her crazy but he had asked her to keep their meetings private. Well, he had suggested she do it but ultimately left it up to her. A part of her wanted to believe he had a good reason for this...that it wasn't just about his own agenda. She knew she was probably wrong...common sense tells her she wrong...but her an entirely different matter.

The Darkness Within: Voldemort/Hadria PotterWhere stories live. Discover now