In Other News

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Hermione sat in the Great Hall, the polished wooden table stretching before her, laden with breakfast fare. The enchanted ceiling above mimicked the morning sky, casting a soft glow over the room. She had grown accustomed to the ebb and flow of Hogwarts life...the laughter, the whispered secrets, and the occasional owl swooping down to deliver letters.

But as a 7th year the amount of students who she ever saw read a newspaper was appalling. She sipped at her pumpkin juice as she opened it up. Her eyes widened a bit when she saw the headline, bold and unyielding:

 Her eyes widened a bit when she saw the headline, bold and unyielding:

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She stole a glance toward Severus who was engaged in conversation with Professor McGonagall. Dumbledore was standing behind them looking deep in thought as he listened to whatever they were discussing. Severus looked her way as if he had felt her gaze. Their eyes met for a moment and he went back to his conversation. In fact many of the teachers had a concerned look on their faces. She looked back at the paper and started reading the article.

The Ministry of Magic announced late last night that there has been a mass breakout from Azkaban. Speaking to reporters in his private office, Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, confirmed that ten high-security prisoners, who all also happen to be former Death Eaters, escaped in the early hours of yesterday evening, and that he has already informed the Muggle Prime Minister of the dangerous nature of these individuals. It is the ministry's belief that the only person capable of having orchestrated an escape of this magnitude would be Lord Voldemort himself as was evidenced by the Dark Mark that was cast by an unseen witch or wizard just prior to the escape. The minister added that on no account should any of these individuals be approached if they are seen.

So, the cat's out of the bag, she thought. She was sure Severus had probably known this was going to happen but she couldn't expect him to be able to give her every detail. She trusted him to keep her as informed as he possibly could while keeping them both safe.

She smiled when she thought about the weekend they had spent together. He had insisted she take the guest bedroom, meticulously ensuring it was clean and comfortable. They had spent most the weekend simply reading and talking. She smiled at the memory of their late-night conversations, the way he listened intently to her thoughts on magical theory and Muggle literature.

She knew that despite the laughter they had shared, he had felt incredibly uneasy with the intimate act that Voldemort had forced upon them.

She was not at all surprised that he had avoided any intimacy with her that weekend despite the chemistry that she had felt between them.

She still felt special just to have been in his company...allowed in the private space of the mysterious Potions Master. He had cooked dinner for her that weekend...simple fare, but delicious. Hermione had watched him move around the kitchen, his hands deftly slicing vegetables, stirring potions of a different kind. She marveled at his skill, the way he balanced precision with intuition. He was just as good at cooking as he was at brewing potions...a man of hidden talents. But oh how she longed to have those hands on her.

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